
He is beauty, the beauty of Turks that captivates souls gently

هو الحسن حسن الترك يسبي الورى لطفا

1. He is beauty, the beauty of Turks that captivates souls gently
And inclines the flowing hearts towards passion affectionately

١. هُوَ الحسنُ حُسن التركِ يَسبي الوَرى لُطفا
وَيعطِفُ سالي القَلبِ نَحوَ الهَوى عطفا

2. They unleash from the cheeks the glasses flowing
So beautiful! By Allah so pure! By Allah so clear!

٢. يدِرنَ مِن اللُخصِ السَواجي مُدامَةً
فَللّهِ ما أَحلى وَلِلّهِ ما أَصفى

3. And they set from the curls of the waves traps
So many souls captured at the soft bend

٣. وَيَنصُبنَ مِن هُدبِ المآقي حَبائلاً
فَكَم أَنفُسٍ أَسرى لَدى المُقلَةِ الوَطفا

4. And a moon of them appeared so I became
Its abode my heart and eyes equally

٤. وَبي قَمَرٌ مِنهُم تَبدّى فَأَصبحت
مَنازِلُهُ مِن جِسمي القَلبَ وَالطَرفا

5. It portrayed the sun, a face and the gazelle, a glance
It bent the twigs and the brances of nabk gently

٥. حَكى الشَمسَ وَجهاً وَالغَزالَ التَفاتَة
وَدِعصَ اللوى رِدفاً وَغُصنَ النَقا عِطفا

6. The youth of Bani Khaqan was gentle with a lover
Passion saw him until he almost faded

٦. أَبدرَ بَني خاقانَ رِفقاً بِعاشِقٍ
بَراهُ الهَوى حَتّى لَقَد كادَ أَن يَخفى

7. You visited me one day, so visit me alike
Maybe if you visit I will be cured of melancholy

٧. وَقَد عُدتَني يَوماً فعِدني بِمثلِهِ
لَعلي مِن الأَوصابِ إِن زُرتَني أَشفى

8. Some are cured by distance, but they are not cured
Nothing is more healing than a union or more curing than a visit

٨. تَداوى أُناسٌ بِالبِعادِ فَما شَفُوا
وَلا شَيء أَبرا مِن وِصالٍ وَلا أَشفى

9. I cannot forget the visit of my friend
I notice through him the full moon, the branch and the revelation

٩. وَما أَنسَ لا أَنسى زيارَةَ مالِكي
أُلاحِظُ مِنهُ البَدرَ وَالغُصنَ وَالكَشفا

10. I became emaciated with that slender figure
And wasted away that gentle spirit with a sip

١٠. هَصَرتُ بِذيّاكَ القَوامِ أَراكَةً
وَأفنيتُ تلكَ الراحَ مِن ريقِه رَشفا

11. O you my golden complexion, my soul is leaving
So be gentle with a lovesick about to die of love

١١. أَيا ذَهبيَّ اللَونِ روحيَ ذاهِبٌ
فرِفقا بِهيمانٍ عَلى المَوتِ قَد أَشفى