
You burdened me with a task, that if even

وكلفتني أمرا لو ان أقله

1. You burdened me with a task, that if even
The slightest of it was burdened on an exhausted camel, it would collapse

١. وَكَلَّفتَني أَمراً لَو انَّ أَقلَّهُ
يكلَّفُهُ ثَهلانُ كادَ يَميدُ

2. Repeating the past and continuing a state
And collecting the future, indeed this is severe

٢. إِعادة ماضٍ وَاستدامَةَ حالَةٍ
وَتحصيلَ آتٍ إِنَّ ذا لَشَديدُ

3. I dealt with past, future and present
As if I am an act that its stillness has departed from it

٣. تَصَرَّفتُ في ماضٍ وَآتٍ وَحاضِرٍ
كَأَني فِعلٌ بانَ عَنهُ جُمُودُ

4. And the comparison has not ceased to concur in me
Obstacles of disposal, for which there is no deviator

٤. وَما زالَ بي التَشبيهُ حَتّى تَظافَرَت
مَوانِعُ صَرفٍ ما لَهنَّ مَحيدُ

5. If only my retreat to the place of my disposal
So this would decrease from me, and that would increase

٥. فَلَيتَ اِنصِرافي في مِكانِ تَصَرُّفي
فَيَنقصُ ذا عَنّي وَذاكَ يَزيدُ