
Some people ride precious steeds,

ويركب أقوام مطايا نفيسة

1. Some people ride precious steeds,
While our mounts are bare feet.

١. وَيَركَبُ أَقوامٌ مَطايا نَفيسةً
وَنَحنُ مَطايانا أَخامِصُ أَقدامِ

2. Some don beautiful silk apparel,
While our clothes are made of wool from livestock.

٢. وَيلبس أَقوام حَريراً لزينةٍ
وَمَلبوسُنا ما شانَ مِن وَبرِ أَنعامِ

3. Some drink exquisite wine from goblets,
While our drink is water, pure from seals.

٣. وَيَشرَبُ أَقوامٌ رَحيقاً بِأَكؤسٍ
وَمَشروبُنا ماءٌ بإشفافِ خَتّامِ

4. Some eat grilled meat and chicken,
While our food is bread mixed with pain.

٤. وَيَأكُلُ أَقوام شواءً وَجَردَقاً
وَمَأكولُنا خُبزٌ مَشوبٌ بآلامِ

5. Some revel in the daughters of Japheth,
While our mates are from the progeny of Ham.

٥. وَيَلتذُّ أَقوامٌ بِأبناءِ يافِثٍ
وسامٍ وَموطوآتُنا مِن بَني حامِ

6. They fulfill their worldly desires,
While we are their most obedient servants.

٦. يَقضُونَ مِن دُنياهُمُ شَهواتِهِم
وَنَحنُ لَهُم في الدَهرِ أَطوَعُ خُدامِ

7. When one of us approaches them out of need,
They turn their faces in arrogance and false pride.

٧. إِذا جاءَهُم مِنّا فَقيرٌ لحاجَةٍ
لَوَوا جيدَهم زَهواً وَنَخوةَ إِعظامِ

8. God is not unaware of what they do,
But allows their sins to increase.

٨. وَما اللَهُ عَمّا يَعملون بِغافلٍ
وَلَكنما يملي زِيادَةَ آثامِ

9. Thus mighty calamities befall them,
Of imprisonment, torture, beating, and poison.

٩. كَذَلِكَ تَأتيهم بَلايا عَظيمَةٌ
مِن الحَبسِ وَالتَعذيبِ وَالضَربِ وِالسامِ

10. They become lessons to be mourned by every gloating enemy,
Just as the reveler suffers for his sins.

١٠. غَدوا عِبرةً يَرثي لَهُم كُلُّ شامِتٍ
بِهِم وَكَذا الملتذ يَشقى بإِجرامِ