1. Alive, yet they hastened the she-camels and the riders
As if you were not the passionate, the enslaved by love
١. اَحَيٌّ وقد حَثُّوا الرّكائبَ والرَّكْبا
كأنّك لستَ الهائمَ المُدْنَفَ الصَّبّا
2. You will know, if they leave and you remain behind them
That you are one who loses his mind and sense.
٢. ستعلم إن بانوا وخُلِّفتَ بعدهم
بأنّك ممّن يَفْقد العقلَ واللُّبّا
3. And most noble in the doctrine of protection and love
Is for you to die, after them, of love and yearning
٣. وأشرفُ ما في مذهب الحفظ والهوى
مَمَاتُك بالهِجْرانِ من بعدهم حُبّا