1. He transcends the senses, though he is sensible,
And differs from touch, though tangible.
١. رقَّ عن الحس وهْو محسوس
وباين اللمس وهْوَ ملموس
2. He is absent from every glance, aloof,
And his love in hearts imprisoned.
٢. وغاب عن كل مقلة فَرَقا
وحبّه في القلوب محبوس
3. His appearance differs for eyes to behold,
And his person in souls embedded.
٣. مباين للعيونِ منظرُه
وشخصه في النفوسِ مغموس
4. By his light the day breaks as
Fireflies emerge from his hair.
٤. يشرِق مِن نورِهِ النهارُ كما
تطلع من شَعْرِه الحنادِيس
5. Smiling from a kissable mouth
As if pearls in it were ingrained.
٥. مبتسِم عن مقبَّلٍ يَقَقٍ
كأنما الدر فيه مغروس
6. His lovers have no fortune with him
Except what afflicts and distresses them.
٦. ما حظّ عشَّاقِهِ لديهِ سِوى
أن تعترِيهِم به وساوِيس
7. If it were not for him, none would disobey his Lord,
Nor would Iblis misguide the servants.
٧. لولاه لم يَعْصِ ربَّه أحد
ولا أضلّ العِبادَ إِبليس