1. Drink up, for the times are not to blame, rather
Its people copied honors with blame
١. اِشرَبْ فما لَؤُمَ الزَّمان وإِنّما
أبناؤه نَسخُوا المكارم لُوما
2. A people whom ignorance ceased in them and ended
With them and the calendar was bent crooked from them
٢. قومٌ تَناهَى الجَهْلُ فيهمْ وانتهى
بهمُ وعوَّجَ منهم التّقويما
3. They lived while they were two dead ones in ignorance
And blindness, they did not know anything known
٣. عاشوا وهم كالميّتين جَهالةً
وعمَايةً لم يَعلَموا معلوما
4. They appeared so they were tears to the eyes
And they were concealed so they were worries to the souls
٤. ظَهَروا فكانوا للعيونِ مَدامِعاً
وخَفُوا فكانوا للنُفوس هُموما
5. So for that I preferred solitude and purpose
And I became a confidante of comfort morning and evening
٥. فلذاك آثرتُ التفرّد والنوى
وغَدوتُ للراح المُدامِ نديما
6. There is no good in wealth when there wasn’t
The wealthy one alert in it generous
٦. لا خَيْرَ عندي في الغِنى ما لم يكن
متنبِّها فيه الغنيُّ كريما