1. Weak in passion and opinion is he who renewed the glad tidings,
And the Commander of the Faithful's lute string has snapped.
١. ضعيف الهوى والرأي مَن جدّد البشرى
وهنّا أمير المؤمنين بها وِترا
2. It is not right that He should be disparaged with one,
But rather with thousands and tens of thousands.
٢. وما الحق فيها أن يُهَنّا بواحد
ولكنْ بألفٍ ثم تُتبِعها عَشْرا
3. So how can I congratulate with a single one?
When He has sired exile and the full moon and the sea?
٣. فكيف يهنِّيه المهنِّي بواحد
وقد وَلَد الضِرغامَ والبدر والبحرا
4. Even had I not sprung from Him nor lived after Him,
I would have sent congratulations in His wake, of one piece seamless.
٤. ولو لم أكن منه ولم أغد بعده
بعثت التهانِي بعده كُمِّلا تَتْرَى
5. Because were I to give Him congratulations,
I would be, in the act of congratulating Him, thanking myself.
٥. لأني إذا هنَّأته كنت في الذي
أهنيه كالمهدي إلى نفسِهِ الشكرا
6. But I congratulate Him so He may know my need -
That my conscience toward Him resembles frank speech.
٦. ولكن أهنيه ليعلم حاجتي
بأن ضميري فيه قد أشبه الجهرا
7. And that my affection's purity for Him, and my counsel to Him,
Surpass what human strength can express as glad tidings.
٧. وأنِيَ أطوِي من صفاءِ ودادِه
ومن نصحِهِ أضعاف ما يعجِز البشرى
8. You came with Him, bowing your brow opposite,
A kinsman, close companion, never once ungenerous.
٨. أَتيْتَ به صَلْتَ الجبينِ مُقابلاً
حسِيباً نسِيبا مالكاً ما جدا غَمْرا
9. You returned through Him life to new birth,
Barren though it was. You made Time forget its betrayals through Him.
٩. أعدتَ به الدنيا وَلوداً ولم تَزَلْ
عقِيماً وأَنسيت الزمانَ به الغَدْرا
10. It was as if you were dawn light married to its sun,
So you spent the night as mate to it and fathered it a full moon.
١٠. كأنك ضوءُ الصبح أُنكِح شمسَه
فباتَ لها كُفئاً وأَولدها بدرا
11. Thus did the world become, through His advent,
A bride, while before His birth it had been a chaste virgin.
١١. فأصبحتِ الدنيا بمنشاه أيِّما
عروساً وكانت قبل مولِدِهِ بِكرا
12. So how will it be when He grows up, matures, reaches manhood,
And God reveals in Him His signs, sublime?
١٢. فكيف إذا ما شبّ واشتدّ واستوى
وأظهر فيه اللهُ آياتِهِ الكبرى
13. When you delegate to Him mastery of the Caliphate and legacy,
And He disposes, in His rule, of prohibition and command?
١٣. وقلَّدْتَهُ أَمرَ الخلافةِ والورى
وصرَّف في تدبيره النهَى والأَمرا
14. And sets out against His enemies every legion -
Their unyielding minds will soften under its feet as if they were rock.
١٤. وقاد إلى أَعدائه كُلَّ جَحْفَلٍ
تُلين مذاكِيه بأَرجلها الصخرا
15. There shall He excel in the Caliphate with a nobility
That leads glory, fortune, and triumph to bow down before Him.
١٥. هنالك يسمو بالخلافة أَروعٌ
يقود إِليها الحمدَ والسعدَ والنصرا
16. He shall give the world length of days, to be feared and hoped for;
Islam, in His time, shall subjugate unbelief.
١٦. فعُمِّر عُمْرَ الدهرِ يُرْجَى ويُتَّقَى
ويَستخدِمُ الإسلامُ في عصرِه الكفرا
17. He will waken Indian swords from their dormancy,
And shatter in stabbing the foe the slender waists.
١٧. وتعيا سيوفُ الهند مما يَشِيمها
وَيكْسِر في طعنِ الأَعادي القنا السمرا
18. God's faith will revive with joy in Him,
And Fatemah's flowers ransom Him with sons.
١٨. يُحيِّيه دينُ الله مِن فَرَحٍ به
وَتَفْدِيه بالأبناءِ فاطمةُ الزهرا