1. He invited me, but I don't agree with what you both think
The Hijab prohibited me from all that you two describe
١. دعاني فليس الرأيُ ما تَريَانِ
نهاني الحِجَا عن كلِّ ما تَصفانِ
2. So what is the glory in passing around a cup
Nonsense! Nor in a triangle or an octagon
٢. فما المجد في راح تَطوفُ بكأسها
رَداحٌ ولا في مَثْلثٍ ومثَاني
3. I stayed up at night and my heart kept circulating an idea
It took the balls far away from my eyelids and self
٣. أرقتُ وعاد القلبَ طائفُ فِكرةٍ
نَأَى بالكرى عن مقلتي وشَجاني
4. And prohibitions against pleasures were completed in it
Neither luxury makes him happy, nor is he startled by news
٤. وقد كَملتْ فيه النُّهى لا يَسرّه
نعيم ولا يرتاع للحَدَثان
5. I see our inheritance in a group who possess it
And the Quran did not give it to them as an obligation
٥. أَرَى إِرثَنا في معشرٍ يملِكونه
ولم يُعطِهم إيّاه فَرْض قُرانِ
6. Every usurper defends us from our right
And we are transgressed upon it in every era
٦. يُدافِعنا عن حقّنا كلّ غاصبٍ
ويُعدَى علينا فيه كلَّ زمانِ
7. Aren't we the sons of the Prophet's daughter, by whom
He was saved from the deviation of heavy blindness?
٧. ألسنا بني بنتِ النبيّ الّذي به
تخلَّص من زَيْغ العمى الثقلانِ
8. Isn't our father his backbone and his successor
And his knight in every day of spears?
٨. أليس أبونا خِدنُه ووصيه
وفارسه في كلّ يومِ طِعانِ
9. So spare us, O Abbasids, your wings
For it is time for us to invade every place
٩. فكفّوا بني العبّاس عنا جِماحَكْم
فقد آن أن نغزو بكلّ مكان
10. When will you not be below us and compete
For our good on every day of racing
١٠. متى لم تكونوا دُونَنا وتَسابقوا
لِصالحِنا في كلّ يومِ رِهان
11. By whom was Islam victorious on the day of Khaibar
And the day of Hunayn while the spears were bending
١١. بمن نُصِر الإسلام في يَوْمِ خيبرٍ
ويومِ حُنينٍ والقَنا مُتدان
12. Wasn't it Ali who revealed its sorrows
And Al-Abbas had no hands there?
١٢. أليس عليٌّ كان كاشفَ غَمِّها
وما كان للعبّاس ثمَّ يدانِ
13. And who relieved the gloom from Ahmad's face
In Mecca when all gardens wilted
١٣. ومَن فَرَجَ الغَمّاء عن وجه أحمدٍ
بمكّةَ لمّا رِيع كلُّ جنَان
14. So he spent the night on his bed in his place
Protecting him from the aggression of uncowardly enemies
١٤. فبات على ظَهرِ الفِراش بَديلَه
يقيه ردى الأعداء غيرَ جَبانِ
15. And how many similar glories and virtues
Ali possessed while he was not weak
١٥. وكم مثلها من مفخرٍ وفضيلةٍ
حواها عليٌّ وهوَ ليس بوان
16. If you say that we are all Hashimites
The two arms are not equal in one body
١٦. فإن قلتُم إنا جميعاً لهاشم
فما يستوي في الجثّة العَضُدان
17. How much do you repel the clear truth?
What is not close to you has not come near
١٧. فكم تدفعون الحقَّ والحقُّ واضحٌ
دنا منكُم ما كان ليس بِدانِ
18. Umayyah was before you in its usurpation
More rightful, but it perished and retreated in disgrace
١٨. أميّة كانت قبلَكْم في اغتصابها
أحقَّ فبارت وارتدت بهوانِ
19. You have taken our inheritance angrily and climbed
Pulpits that you were not safe to dream of
١٩. أخذتمْ بغَضبٍ إرثَنا وصعِدتمُ
مَنابَر ما كنتم لها بأماني
20. And you came up with names that are pleasing to hear
And words of beauty that have no meanings
٢٠. وجئتمْ بأسماءٍ يَروقُ استماعُها
وألفاظِ حُسنٍ ما لهنَ معانِ
21. Rashid, and he did not guide, and Hadi, and he did not guide
With truth, and Al-Ma'mun without safety
٢١. رشيدٌ ولم يَرْشُد وهادٍ وما هَدَى
بحقّ ومأمونٌ بغير أمان
22. Al-Mu'tasim did not adhere to his God
And Al-Muqtadir did not have the ability to clarify
٢٢. ومعتِصمٌ لم يعتصمْ بإلهِه
ومقتدِر لِم يقتدر ببيانِ
23. Al-Mu'tadid's reliance on slander failed him
And Al-Muntasir without strength was not supported
٢٣. ومعتضِد بالإفك خابَ اعتضاده
ومنتصرٌ بالبغي غيرُ مُعانِ
24. Cry out, for the Mighty One has risen, by whom
The vicissitudes of fate bow down after confusion
٢٤. أصِيخوا فقد قام العزيز الّذي به
تدين خطوبُ الدهر بعدَ حِرانِ
25. It is as if the porch of the kingdom from the light of his face
Is a sky in whose horizon the two moons rose
٢٥. كأن رواقَ المُلك من نور وجهِه
سماءٌ بدا في أُفقِها القَمران
26. Dazzling like the blades of swords, fulfilling their sharpness
With every delicate and flexible side
٢٦. أغرّ كَنصْل السيف يُمضي اعنزامَه
بكلّ رقيق الشَّفْرتين يمانِ
27. It is as if grants and gifts are supererogatory
He generously bestows from a scabbard and structure
٢٧. كأنّ العطايا والمنايا نوافلٌ
يجود بها مِنْ منُصُل وبنَان
28. You have enclosed Abu Al-Mansour with all virtue
And held it back from all creation by a rein
٢٨. حويتَ أبا المنصور كلَّ فضيلةٍ
وأمسكتَها دون الورى بعِنان
29. It is as if all people are one complex body
And you are its head and its two shoulders
٢٩. كأنّ جميعَ الخلِق جسمٌ مركَّبٌ
وأنت عليه الرأسُ والكَتِفانِ
30. He congratulates you on the feast which you are its feast
And the feast of all creation is blessed at all times
٣٠. يهنّيك بالعِيد الّذي أنتَ عِيدُه
وعيدُ الورى المحمودُ كلَّ أوانِ
31. It is as if, when you stood up to speak
And our eyes joyfully set upon you
٣١. كأنّك في سيماكَ إذ قمتَ خاطِبا
وأعيننا طرّا إليك روانِ
32. You resemble Allah's Prophet your grandfather Ahmad
And the branch resembles the parent tree
٣٢. شبيه نبيِّ الله جَدِّك أحمَدٍ
ويشبِه فرعَ البانة الغُصُنان
33. And how many Alawite Fatimids there are
But none of them has a place like yours
٣٣. وكم عَلَويٍّ فاطميٍّ مفضَّل
ولكنّهمْ ما فيهم لك ثانِ
34. And whoever of them claims your supreme position
Has come up with falsehood and delusion
٣٤. ومنَ يدّعي منهمْ مكانَك في العلا
فقد جاء بالبهتان والهَذَيان
35. When Allah protects you from what you fear
It makes me safe from what I fear and suffices me
٣٥. إذا ما كفاك الله ما أنت متّقٍ
شفانيَ ممّا أتّقي وكفاني
36. And I am an arrow from your arrows, showering
Upon every enemy of yours an Indian arrow
٣٦. وإني لسهمٌ مِن سِهامِكَ ماطِرٌ
على كلّ من عاداك سَهم سِنان
37. I see you with an advising eye in every situation
I believed you to have every perfection that is in you
٣٧. أراك بعين النصح في كلّ حالة
على كل ما فيك اعتقدت تراني
38. And who is it that would divert you from me in his love
In every absence or in every presence
٣٨. ومن ذا الّذي يرعاك عنّي بوُدّه
على كلّ غيب أو بكلّ عِيان
39. A brother, protector, caring, son of a
Sincere father, praising you with every tongue
٣٩. أخٌ ووليٌّ مشفِقٌ وابنُ والدٍ
شقيقٍ ومَدّاحٌ بكلّ لِسانِ