1. With a slender, youthful figure
The delight of my eye, he who I desire
١. وشادنٍ شَرْطِ الصِّبا مُرْهَفٍ
قُرَّةِ عينيْ من تمنّاهُ
2. As if beauty itself saw his face
Needy of him, so he enriched me
٢. كأنما الحسنُ رأى وجهَه
إِليه محتاجاً فأغناه
3. His words then scattered through his smile
His eyelids broke from the glance
٣. فانتثرت بالغُنْجِ ألفاظُه
وانكسرت باللّحظ جفناه
4. The lightning of his mouth flashed from a smile
Musk and coffee his smell
٤. ولاح برقُ الثغر من مَبْسِمٍ
المسك والقهوةُ مَجْناه
5. His buttocks rounded, grew heavy
His waist thinned, drew in
٥. وبتَّل الأردافَ فاستثقلت
وأَرْهف الخصر وأَضْناه
6. We visited a tavern at night
While the dark dawn soaked in its dye
٦. زُرْنا به منزلَ خَمّارةٍ
واللّيلُ في صِبْغ بريَّاهُ
7. A crescent moon rose over the horizon
Like the arch of his frowned eyebrow
٧. وقد علا الأُفْقَ هلالٌ بدا
كعَطْفة الحاجب مَحْناه
8. Until when the tavern keeper listened
To our company walking, lent us his ear
٨. حتى إذا الخمّارُ أصغت إلى
صِحابنا في المشي أُذْناه
9. He came to us hurriedly, busying
Himself with the wind, beckoning left and right
٩. قام إلينا عَجِلاً شاغلاً
بالرّاح يُمناه ويسراه
10. So he brought us coffee from his flask
From which shone the night of his singing
١٠. فاستلّ من إبريقه قهوةً
أشرق منها ليلُ مَغْناه
11. When we fattened him from selling it
He bubbled with anger when we fattened him
١١. حتى إذا سُمْنَاه في بيعها
قَطَّب غيظاً حين سُمْناه
12. And said no noble like Majid
Had sought it, from what we knew
١٢. وقال ما استام بها ماجِدٌ
قَبلَكمُ فيما علِمناه
13. Give it back and weigh the like of it
In pearls and gold and weigh it
١٣. دَونَكُموها وزِنُوا مثلَها
دُرًّا وتِبْراً ووَزَنّاه
14. He disappeared from our sights for a while
Then returned to us and drew nearer
١٤. فغاب عن ألحاظنا ساعةً
ثُمَّتَ وافانا ودَنَّاه
15. The thick-lipped one stood with the cup
If not for his cheek we'd have drunk it
١٥. فقام بالكأس هَضِيمُ الحشا
لولا قَبَاه لشَرِبناه
16. As if it were his cheek in his palm
But it was the sugar that was his eyes
١٦. كأنّها في كفّه خدُّه
لكنّها في السّكر عيناه
17. When he gave his boon companion his cup
He kissed its lip and sang
١٧. إذا سقى نَدْمانَه كأسَه
أَلثَمَه فاه وغنّاه
18. Perfecting pleasures is only for a lad
Who drinks while the tambourine plays
١٨. ما استكمل اللَّذاتِ إلاّ فتىً
يشرَب والمُرْدُ نَداماه
19. And none tired us but his glances
Oh rusher! His meaning has increased
١٩. ولم تَنِكُه غيرُ ألحاظنا
يا كاشحاً قد زاد معناه
20. If you suspect us, though against your will
We harbour it
٢٠. فإن تُدَاخِلْكَ بنا ظِنّةٌ
فقد عَلى رغْمِك نِكْناه
21. And we never left her tavern
Drinking for a month or two
٢١. ولم نَزَلْ في بيتِ خمّارها
نشرَبُها شهراً ومَثْنَاه
22. When the dawn silvers the darkness
And the cupbearer rouses us, we answer him
٢٢. إذا أشاب الصبحُ رأْسَ الدُّجى
وهزّنا الساقي أجَبْناه
23. We scramble when he calls to us, as
A son scrambles to his father
٢٣. نحبو إذا نادى إليه كما
يَحْبو إلى الوالد أَبناهُ
24. And if some of what drink brings appears
From a friend, we excuse him
٢٤. وإنْ بَدَا من صاحبٍ بعضُ ما
يأتي به السُّكْرُ عَذَرْناه
25. An ambiguous friendship between us
Its furthest in righteousness as its nearest
٢٥. تَعَاشُرٌ مُشْتَبِهٌ بيننا
أقصاه في البِرّ كَأدْناه
26. A legacy of a time passed
In which purpose is lost to us
٢٦. سَقْياً ورَعْياً لزمانٍ مَضَى
به مَعدٌّ فَعدِمْناه
27. The days of its prime were not
More beautiful to us, sweeter or gentler
٢٧. ما كان أبْهَى حُسْنَ أيَّامِه
فينا وأحلاَه وأهناه
28. As no speck in a sun for us
Settled that we disliked its settlement
٢٨. إذ لم يكن في عَيْن شمسٍ لنا
مُخَيَّمٌ نَكْرَهُ سُكْناه
29. Nor did we alight in it by
The judgement of days we impugned
٢٩. ولم نكن ننزلُ فيه على
حُكْم من الأَيام نَشْناه
30. But we come upon Majid
Who rains generosity on us, his right hand
٣٠. لكنّنا نغدو على ماجدٍ
تُمْطِرنُا بالجُود يُمْنَاه