
Lord of a pleasant night

رب ليل مستطاب

1. Lord of a pleasant night
That spent the night crowned by the full moon

١. ربَّ ليلٍ مُسْتَطابٍ
بات بالبدر مُتَوَّجْ

2. I spent the night watering the wind
From the hands of bent white flowers

٢. بتُّ أسْقَى الرّاحَ فيه
مِن يَدَيْ أحوَرَ أبلَج

3. His eyes became sick until
My patience became sick and collapsed

٣. مَرِضَتْ عيناه حتى
أَمْرَضَتْ صبري فأنْهَج

4. Whenever I bid farewell with a kiss
To the apples of his cheeks it was stained

٤. كلما أَودعتُ لَثْمي
صَحْنَ خدِّيه تَضرَّج

5. And the stars of the night told
Stories of pearls above violets

٥. ونجومُ الليل تَحْكي
لؤلؤاً فوق بَنَفْسَج