1. The beloved extended his hand with violets
And a plucked rose that did not wilt
١. مدّ العزيزُ يمينَه ببنفْسَجِ
وبوردةٍ مقطوعةٍ لم تَنْهَجِ
2. So his blueness on her redness
Was like a trace of a soft, flushed cheek
٢. فكأن زُرقتَه على مُحْمرِّها
أثرٌ بخدٍّ ناعمٍ مُتَضرِّجِ
3. Greetings brought my love to life
Like harmony met longing from my soul
٣. حَيَّ فأحْيا مهجتي بتحيّة
كالوصل وافق مُنْيةً من مُرْتَجِي
4. And he smiled to me with his face
I thought it was the face of the brilliant dawn
٤. وأشار مبتسِماً إليّ بوجهه
فحسبتُه وجهَ الصباح الأبْلجِ
5. I am from his charm and from the palms of his generosity
In a garden of bliss and glorious grace
٥. أنا مِن نداه ومن فواضل كفِّه
في روضة أنف وعزٍّ مُنْتِجِ