1. My state has changed after you,
And my mind is disturbed by your absence.
١. تغيَّر بعدَكُمْ حالي
وساء لبُعدِكمْ بالي
2. By God, my heart belongs to no one else,
Nor have I said so to anyone.
٢. ولا واللّه ما قلبي
لكم ناسٍ ولا قالي
3. I wish you knew
My longing and confusion,
٣. ودِدتُ لو أنّكم تَدْرو
ن أشواقِي وبَلبالي
4. And my tears when I remember you,
My silence and humiliation.
٤. ودَمعِي عند ذِكراكُم
وإطراقِي وإذلالي
5. Will you find what I have found
Of passion and suffering?
٥. فهل تَلْقَوْن ما ألقا
ه من وجدٍ وإِعوال
6. Seeing you and being near you
Is what my soul desires and hopes for.
٦. لقاؤكُم وقربُكُم
مُنَى نفسي وآمالي
7. Although I am not
The glorious master,
٧. على أنّي وإن كنتُ ال
مجيد السيّدَ العالي
8. I will make my heart love you
And make your state my state.
٨. لأُلزِم حُبَّكُمْ قلبي
وأَجعل حالَكم حالي
9. Am I the concern of your souls
As you are all my concerns?
٩. فهل أنا شُغْلُ أَنْفُسِكُمْ
فأَنتمْ كلُّ أَشغالي