1. O you who my heart's affection knew
Its secrets and overt words too
١. يا من صفا ودُّ صدري
له وسِرّي وجهري
2. He whose loss made my life bitter
Disturbing its calm tenor
٢. ومن تكدَّر عندي
لرزئه صفوُ دهري
3. You did not die, nay but my pillar
My pride and store you were
٣. ما مات ركنك لا بل
ركني وفخري وذُخري
4. Had my life been mine to offer
Half of it for you I'd proffer
٤. لو كنتُ أملِك عمري
وهبتُه شَطر عمري
5. Or had I the power to ward
With my soul and wealth, rim guard
٥. أو كنت اسطيع دفعاً
عنه بروحي ووَفْري
6. I'd have warded off your death
And each mighty mischief's breath
٦. دافعت عنه المنايا
وكلِّ فادحِ أمر
7. But in the duty of your guard
My drive and aid were marred
٧. وقَلَّ في واجب الحِف
ظ عنه دفعي ونصري
8. You were but my right hand side
And pupil and family pride
٨. ما كان إلاّ يمني
ومُقلتَيَّ وأَزْرِي
9. If you faced praise, acclamation
Gracious thanks and celebration
٩. لئن تولّى حميداً
بكلّ مدحٍ وشكر
10. It would suffice you from us, son
Heir and pride's paragon
١٠. لَحَسْبُه لك فينا
نَجْلاً وخِلفةَ فخر
11. Meeting eras with reason's gauge
And bounties with cheer and courage
١١. يلقَى الزمان بحزمٍ
والمَكْرُماتِ ببِشر
12. Death took you not from us
With any feebleness or harm
١٢. لم تَنْء منه المنايا
عنّا بطيٍّ ونَشْرِ
13. Nor for lack of generosity
On plateau or in valley
١٣. ولا بفضل وبذل
ولا بسهل ووعر
14. Nay, but all this in you was found
As freedom in a freeman bound
١٤. بل كل ذا فيك أمسى
حريّة في ابن حرّ
15. In body and soul that did rise
Above all noble enterprise
١٥. وكان جسماً وروحاً
يسمو بها كلُّ بَرّ
16. So the body failed and fell
But his soul in you does dwell
١٦. فالجسم بان وأودى
وروحه فيك يجري
17. Thus too, if the full moon bred
It would naught beget but full moon instead
١٧. كذاك لو وَلَد البد
رُ لم يَلدْ غيرَ بدر
18. O you who accused me of regrets
Torment and agony's frets
١٨. يا مورِثي بملامي
رسِيس همّ وذعرِ
19. And blamed me for suspicions
Not knowing my secret decisions
١٩. ومُتْهِمي بظنون
لم تدر ما عَقْد سِرِّي
20. Your little blame hurts me more
Than any white or brown ignores
٢٠. قليل لومك أمضى
من كل بِيض وسُمْر
21. And breach of your covenant to me
Is worse than any heresy
٢١. وخُوْنُ عهِدك عندي
أشدّ من كل كفرِ
22. And how could you assume my oath
To my heart was by fraud forsooth
٢٢. وكيف ترضى يميني
مني لقلبي بغدر
23. I did not cease my prayers over
Your father and rewarder
٢٣. ما كان تركي صلاتي
على أبيك وأجري
24. Except for an illness that wrapped me
And loosened my patience's knot
٢٤. إلا لداءٍ دهاني
وحلَّ عُقْدةَ صبري
25. Afflicting my foot such that it withdrew
My steps and endeavors too
٢٥. وحلّ بالرِجْل مني
فجذَّ خطوي وخَطْري
26. Until I was even prevented
From noon and afternoon consented
٢٦. حتى لقد عاقَني عن
صلاةِ ظُهري وعصري
27. So excuse me, my truth hastens
To you with my apology's reasons
٢٧. فاعِذر فقد راح صدقي
إليك يسعى بعذري
28. And know my sorrow for your father
And my loss, is even graver
٢٨. واعلم بأن مصابي
على أبيك وضرّي
29. Than Kais's love for Layla
And Khensa's passion for Sakhr
٢٩. مصاب قيسِ بليلى
ووجدُ خَنْسا بصخر