
Why do your eyes grow stronger whenever you become weak?

ما بال عينك تقوى كلما ضعفت

1. Why do your eyes grow stronger whenever you become weak?
Why does your glance attack while it is ill?

١. ما بال عينِك تَقَوى كلَّما ضعفتْ
وما للحظك يسطو وهو ذو سَقَمِ

2. Why has the redness of your cheeks increased
As if they were stained with blood?

٢. وما لخدّيك قد زاد احمِرارُهما
حتى كأنّهما قد ضُرِّجا بدمِ

3. Why are your lips no longer scattering pearls?
Why is your voice no longer well-ordered?

٣. وما لثغرك دُرّاً غيرَ منتثِرٍ
وما للفظك درّاً غيرَ منتظِمِ

4. A beauty that bewilders all who look, as
my generosity bewildered minds.

٤. حُسْناً تحيَّر فيه الناظرون كما
تحيّرتْ فِكَر الألباب في كرمي

5. How far is the rain from being likened to my hands,
and how near is the sun to following my qualities!

٥. ما أبعد الغيثَ من تشبِيهه بِيَدي
وأقربَ الشمسَ من أن تقتَفي شيمي

6. Never has my heart slept from its vigilance,
nor has my understanding stammered in its unknown.

٦. ما نام يوماً فؤادي عن تنبُّهه
ولا تَلعْثَم في مجهوله فَهَمي

7. When I line my eyes with sleep, my insight awakens
so that when I sleep, it is as if I did not sleep.

٧. إذا اكتحلت بنومي استيقظت فِطَني
حتى كأني إذا ما نمتُ لم أنم

8. So swords are nothing but what my insight has sharpened
and meadows are nothing but what my wisdom has cultivated.

٨. فما السيوف سوى ما أَرهفت فِطَنى
ولا الرياضُ سوى ما نَمْقتْ حِكَمي

9. Strip the eggs of my opinion and my thought
for striking, and pick out the rubies from my words.

٩. فَجرّدوا البيض من رأيي ومن فِكَري
للضرب والتقِطوا الياقوتَ من كَلمي

10. It is as if the people around me are darkness and I
am the moon. How can the moon be compared to shadows?

١٠. كأنما الناس حولي ظُلْمة وأنا
بدرٌ وكيف يقاس البدرُ بالظُّلَم

11. A people, as if either the steady time
railed at them or blamed them.

١١. قوم كأنّ الزمان المستقيم لهمْ
هَجا بهم نفسَه أو عابَها بِهِمِ