
Acknowledge our superiority, O Abbasids, in nobility

أقروا لنا يا آل عباس بالعلا

1. Acknowledge our superiority, O Abbasids, in nobility
For you have not, O Abbasids, earned it

١. أقِرّوا لنا يا آل عبّاسَ بالعُلا
فلستمْ لها يا آلَ عبّاسَ أكسَبا

2. We preceded you in religion and in the emigration
Which your grandfather shunned and veiled himself from

٢. سبقناكُم للدِّين والهجرةِ التي
تأخَّرَ عنها جدُّكمْ وتَحجَّبا

3. While you were sons of the Prophet's uncle
We were his sons, and he was a father to us

٣. وكنتمْ بني عمِّ النبيّ محمّدٍ
وكنّا بِنيه وهو كان لنا أبا

4. The sons of uncles are not like their nephews
In rank and ancestry

٤. وليس بنو أعمامِهم في دنوِّهم
كمِثل أخيه خُطّةً وتنسُّبا

5. Even if we were only sons of an uncle like you
You would be followers for us, and we lords for you

٥. ولو لم نكن إلاّ بني العمّ مثلكمْ
لكنتم لنا وَهْداً وكنّا لكم رُبَا

6. The two uncles are not equal, one intimate
Beloved, and one, distant, sought proximity

٦. وما يستوي العَمّان هذا مقرَّب
محبّ وهذا بعد بُعْدٍ تقرَّبا

7. Your grandfather shunned aiding him on the day of his mission
While Ali, our grandfather, aided him and proclaimed

٧. نَبَا جدُّكم عن نَصرِه يومَ بَعْثِه
وجدُّ عليٍّ جدِّنا عنه ما نَبَا