
I mixed the water of vineyards

مزجت ماء الكروم

1. I mixed the water of vineyards
With the clear water of clouds

١. مَزجتُ ماءَ الكُرومِ
بصفِو ماءِ الغُيومِ

2. Until there appeared in it
As pearls well-strung

٢. حَتَّى إذا لاحَ فيها
كاللُّؤلؤ المنظومِ

3. I carried it in the palm of a gazelle
The moisture of tender shoots, mild

٣. حَملتها كفَّ ظبي
رَطْبِ البَنان رخيم

4. As though it were a full moon
In the wings of a calm night

٤. كأنّه بدُر تِمٍّ
في جُنحِ ليل بهيم

5. So he began to serve us
With cups like stars

٥. فقام يَسعَى علينا
بأكؤسٍ كالنُّجومِ

6. The draught in them comforting
And dispelling cares

٦. والراحُ فيها ارتياحٌ
وَمدفَعٌ للهُموم