1. When I saw people sending congratulations,
I sent you this rhymed poem from me.
١. ولمّا رأيتُ النّاسَ سَنُّوا التَهانيَا
بعثتُ به منّي إليكَ القَوافيَا
2. When kingdoms are congratulated for Eid, we don't say,
"Tomorrow, may this time bring you happiness."
٢. إذا هُنِّيءَ الأَمْلاكُ بالعِيدِ لَم نَقُلْ
غَداً لك هذا الدهرُ بالسّعد هانيا
3. Rather, we congratulate our Eid with you, and the people,
As you made us happy with the dew and great heights.
٣. ولكن نهنِّي عِيدَنا بك والورى
كما بك هَنّانا النَّدَى والمعَاليا
4. If you were not on this earth, it would be without splendor,
And days would resemble nights.
٤. فلو لم تكن في الأرض كانت بِلا سَناً
وأشبَهَتِ الأيّامُ فيها الّلياليا
5. When a noble man of resolve and father
You reached the heights, gathering all glories.
٥. إذا ما امرؤ سامَي بِجَدٍّ ووالدٍ
سَمَوْتَ بأخلاقٍ جَمَعْن المعَاليا
6. If you were not from a group guided in it,
You would still be a guide to people, remaining alone.
٦. ولو لم تكن مِن معشرٍ فيهم الهُدَى
لكنتَ هُدىً للناس وحدَكَ باقيا
7. You are like rain that sprouts plants
And covers the land beautifully, watering valleys.
٧. كأنّك ماءُ الغَيْثِ يستَنْبِت الرُّبَا
ويَكْسُو الثَّرَى حُسْنا ويُروْى الصَّوادِيا