
Drink, for the times are bitter

اشرب فإن الزمان غض

1. Drink, for the times are bitter
And their taste makes youth sober

١. اشربْ فإنّ الزمان غضٌّ
وصَرْفُه لينِّ الجَناب

2. From coffee blended purely
More intoxicating than youth in its prime

٢. من قهوةٍ مُزَّة كُمَيْت
أَسْكَرَ من أَعْصُر الشَّباب

3. Finer than the tears of lovers
Poured out and sweeter than the wounds of passion

٣. أرق من أَدْمُع التّصابي
سَكْبا وأَشْهى من الضِّراب

4. When it was brewed, its blend composed
A necklace of pearls around gray hair

٤. صاغَ لها المَزْجُ حين شِيبَتْ
نَطاقَ دُرّ من الحَبَابِ

5. As if in its cup the dawn appears
And the night disrobes gracefully

٥. كأنّ في كَأسها صباحاً
والليلُ مُحْلَولْك الثِّياب

6. The magician of trysts rushes with it
Not to mar love with reproach

٦. يَسْعى بها ساحرُ المآقي
لا يُمْرض الوصلَ بالعتاب

7. As if it were the hue of his cheeks
And the fragrance of his tormenting words

٧. كأنها لونُ وجنَتَيْه
وطِيبُ ألفاظِه العِذابِ

8. Verily the dew of Nizar's palms
Still surpasses the clouds

٨. إنّ نَدَى راحَتَيْ نزارٍ
ما زال يُغْني عن السَّحاب

9. Well-mannered, finest manners
A match for the glorious archer

٩. مهذّبٌ أروعُ السَّجايا
مقابلٌ ماجد النِّصاب