
The eloquence of your poetry in its wording

جزالة شعرك في لفظه

1. The eloquence of your poetry in its wording
And its clear, elegant interpretation

١. جزالة شِعرِك في لفظه
وتأويلُه الواضح الرّائِقُ

2. And its willingness to obey you tells us
That your passion is a sincere passion

٢. ومُنطاعُه لك يحكي لنا
بأن هواك هوىً صادقُ

3. It's as if you are, for every person's words,
A leader, guiding them along

٣. كأنك من نَفْسِ كلِّ امرِئٍ
لألفاظِه قائدٌ سائقُ

4. So every heart is enamored with it
A passion, and to it inclined

٤. فكلّ فؤادٍ به مغرمٌ
هَوىً وإليه جَوىً تائِقُ

5. The listeners all wish
To prolong it, and the eloquent reader worships it

٥. يودّ إدامته السامِعونْ
ويعبده القارئ الناطق

6. As the wind spreads the scent of meadows
And the lover complains to his beloved

٦. كما يفتُق الريحُ نشرَ الرياضْ
ويشكو لمعشوقه العاشق

7. Our love for you, though it cannot
Be fully conveyed by the most eloquent

٧. وِدادك مِنّا وإن كان لا
يترجِم عن قدره الحاذق

8. Is firmly established where passion settled
In heart, liver and pounding pulse

٨. مقيمٌ بحيث أقام الفؤا
دُ وَالقَلْبُ والكبِد الخافِق

9. You are indeed the opener of receptions
The first to speak, the early orator

٩. وإِنك لَلْفاتحُ الْمُسْتَقِ
ل والقائِلُ اللَّسِنُ السابِق

10. And praise cannot increase your passion
For it, in itself, is supreme

١٠. وليس يَزيد هواك الثناءْ
لنّ هواك بِه فائق