1. The kingdom has come to my master Al-Mansur
As he sits robed in splendor and light
١. أصبح المُلْك من أبي المنصورِ
وهْوَ في حُلَّتَيْ بهاءٍ ونورِ
2. A king who since he rose has not been seen
Except atop a dais, pulpit, or throne
٢. ملِكٌ منذ قام لم يُلْفَ إلاّ
فوق طِرْفٍ أو مِنبْر أو سَريرِ
3. He is forebearing in his wisdom and firm in his resolve
His judgment is sound, his rule is just
٣. يتأنَّى حِلْماً ويبطِش عَزْماً
حازمُ الرأي مُحْكَم التدبير
4. In the fullness of glory, in awe-inspiring grandeur
In the fine form of the victorious al-Mansur
٤. في كمال المعِزِّ في هيبة القا
ئِم في حسن هيئةِ المنصور
5. Egypt under his rule has become beautiful and radiant
Where once she was bitter as camphor
٥. أصبحَتْ مصرُ منه حسناء حَوْرا
ءَ وكانت مَرْهاء من كافورِ
6. It is through his grace that my hands exist
Between honor, favor, and gifts
٦. أنا مِن فضله وجود يديه
بين عِزّ ونِعْمَةٍ وحُبُور
7. Good fortune has risen for me in his pleasure
With my loyalty and the vizier's protection
٧. طلعتْ لي السعود بين رضاءٍ
عن ودادي وبين حِفظ الوزيرِ