
I compared her to the full moon, and she just laughed

شبهتها بالبدر فاستضحكت

1. I compared her to the full moon, and she just laughed
And met my words with denial

١. شبَّهتُها بالبدر فاستضحكتْ
وقابلت قوليّ بالنُكْرِ

2. She ridiculed my words and said, when
Have I become dull like the full moon?

٢. وسفَّهتْ قولي وقالت متى
سَمُجْتُ حتى صرتُ كالبدر

3. The full moon does not wink with an eye as
I wink, nor does it smile with a mouth

٣. البدر لا يرنو بعين كما
أَرنو ولا يبسِم عن ثغر

4. It does not remove its veil from its cheek
Nor tighten a necklace around its neck

٤. ولا يُميط المِرط عن ناهد
ولا يشُدّ العِقْد في نحر

5. He who compares my attributes to the full moon
Remains forever captive to my rejection

٥. من قاس بالبدر صِفاتي فلا
زال أسيراً في يَدَيْ هجري