
You were so generous that you reached the utmost generosity

تكرمت حتى جزت حد التكرم

1. You were so generous that you reached the utmost generosity
And dressed in the robes of wealth every destitute

١. تكّرمتَ حتّى جُزْتَ حَدَّ التكُّرمِ
وأَلبستَ أَثوابَ الغِنى كُلَّ مُعْدِمِ

2. You kept forgiving the sin from every sinner
Wrongdoer, though grave be his crime from every criminal

٢. وما زلتَ تعفو الذنبَ عن كُلّ مذنِبٍ
مُسيءٍ وعظمَ الجُرْمِ عن كلّ مجرم

3. Until you alone contained all merit preceding
And you blocked the deserts from eloquent and non-Arab

٣. إلى أن حويتَ الفضلَ وحدَك سابقا
وسُدْتَ البرايا من فصيحٍ وأَعجم

4. This is the submissive servant Ibn Obeidillah
Admitting the sin he committed aforetime

٤. وذا ابن عبيدِ اللّه عبدُك خاضعا
مُقِرّاً بما في ذنبه المتقدّمِ

5. And the best of all good deeds is a sinful man
Whom his Master receives with pardon and bounty

٥. وأَحسن من كلّ المحاسن مُذْنِب
تلقّاه مولاه بِعَفْوٍ وأَنعُم

6. So increase for him over this pardon a grace and favor
That God may increase for you glory and esteem

٦. فزِده على ذا العفوِ فضلا ونِعمة
يزِدْك عليها اللّه عزّ تعظُّم

7. With the affection for you that filled my heart to excess
Commingled and mixed with my flesh and blood

٧. بِما حَلَّ قلبي من ودادكَ فاغتَدَى
مَشُوباً ومخلوطاً بلحمي والدمِ

8. Accept it and make for him with you a favor
That will give him relief among people, most generous bestower

٨. تَقَبَّلْه واجعلْ عنده لك نِعمةً
تروح بها في الناس أَكرمَ مُنعِمِ

9. For he was once a master, with whom misfortunes toyed
While you today are the cave of consolation

٩. فقد كان أيضاً مالكاً لعبتْ بهِ
خطوبٌ وأنت اليوم كهفُ الترحُّم

10. And my greatest request is to see you've reconciled with him
And enriched him with generosity before he speaks

١٠. وأَعظمُ سؤلي أَن أراك وصلتَه
وأَغنَيْتَه بالجُود قبل التكلُّم