1. O you who travel with yearning, when
His longing for homeland troubles him,
١. يأيّها الراحِلُ المَشُوقُ إذا
أزعَجَه شوقُه إلى الوَطنِ
2. I entrusted you with words and trust, which
Are only entrusted to every trustworthy one.
٢. أودَعْتُك القول والأَمانةُ لا
تُودَعُ إلاّ لِكلّ مؤتمَن
3. Convey to Baghdad, if you lodge therein,
From me an eloquent conveyance of messages
٣. بلّغ لِبغدادَ إِن حللتَ بها
عنّي بلاغَ المبلِّغِ الفَطِن
4. That it is the question and the purpose, even if
My body is in other than its land in the morning,
٤. بأنّها السُّؤلُ والمُرادُ وإن
أَصبحَ في غيرِ أرضها بدني
5. And that the distant one has come near for us
And what was not ripe has ripened from it.
٥. وأنّه قد دنا البِعيدُ لنا
وحانَ مِنه ما كان لَم يَحِنِ
6. And his longing to arrive therein was stirred,
And I have attained the purpose of my time.
٦. وأحَرَّ شَوْقاه لِلحُلولِ بِها
وقد بَلَغْتُ المرادَ مِن زمني