
Blame of the critic increases whenever it intensifies,

لوم لئيم كلما اشتد خاب

1. Blame of the critic increases whenever it intensifies,
And longing does not listen to some of the reproach.

١. لومُ لئيم كلّما اشتدّ خابْ
والشَّوقُ لا يُصْغِي لبعض العِتاب

2. Whoever blames in love is miserable,
It only made him sadder with melancholy.

٢. مَنْ لام في الحب كئيب الحشا
فإنما أغراه بالاكتئاب

3. My inner self that did not leave any yearning in it
Between my ribs yearning melts.

٣. واكَبِداً لم يُبْقِ منها الجَوَى
بين ضُلوعي للجوى ما يُذَابْ

4. A glowing coal kindles in my inner self,
Live embers of talk, grief and inflammation.

٤. صبابَةٌ تقدَح في مُهْجَتي
بِلاعج البَثّ شجىً والتهابْ

5. O you who recovered from my torment through it,
I find your torment pleasant.

٥. يا مَنْ تَشَفَّى بعذابي به
إني لاستَعْذِب منك العَذاب

6. If they searched my body they would not see
Anything but grief roaming between clothes.

٦. لو فتَّشوا جِسْميَ ما أبصروا
غيرَ الأسى يَسْرَح بين الثّياب

7. My illness and torment did not cease
On the illness of afflictions and folds of torment.

٧. لا زال سُقْمِي وعذابي على
سُقْم المآقِي والثَّنايَا العِذاب

8. There is no good in love unless there was
In the selves of lovers traces of turmoil.

٨. لا خيرَ في الحُبّ إذا لم يكن
في أنْفُس العُشّاق ماضي الحِراب

9. On the cheek of the one who wishes
From my blood, a drizzle, and on his palms from it, dye.

٩. في خدّ مَنْ يَتمّنى من دمي
رَشْحٌ وفي كَفَّيْه منه خِضاب

10. As if the dawn shone from his face,
And from his cheeks the wine melted.

١٠. كأنما الإصباحُ من وجهه
لاح ومن خَدَّيْه ذاب الشَّراب

11. So he did not shoot from the bow of his eyelids
At my heart with glances except hitting it.

١١. فما رَمى عن قوس أجفانه
قلبَي بالألحاظ إلاّ أصاب

12. When I complained to him of passion
With tongues of tears, he had mercy and responded.

١٢. لما تَشكَّيتُ إليه الهوى
بأَلْسُن الدَّمع رَثَى واستجابْ

13. He visited me under the porch of gloom
While the night was in the dye of the crow’s wing,

١٣. وزارني تحت رِواق الدُّجى
واللَّيلُ في صِبْغ جَناح الغُرابْ

14. Its jewels gleam in the darkness
Like the moon in armor of clouds,

١٤. يَلُوح في الظلماء لألاَؤُه
كالبدر في مِدْرَعة من سَحاب

15. Concealing, scattering the darkness,
Bashful, from a slit and melancholy.

١٥. مُكْتَتِماً يفرقُ من ظلمة
مُسْتَحْسِراً من فلَقٍ واكتِئاب

16. And the moon in its first appearance
Is like a line of gilded Nun in a book.

١٦. والبدرُ في أوّل إقباله
كخطّ نونٍ مُذْهَب في كتاب

17. So he spent the night giving me from his company
Multiples of what he gave from avoidance.

١٧. فبات يُعْطينَي من وصله
أضعافَ ما أَعطى من الاجتِناب

18. When he quenched my thirst from his palm,
I mixed it with the wine of kisses.

١٨. إذا سقاني الرَّاحَ من كفّه
مَزْجْتُها لَثْماً براح الرُّضَاب

19. As if it was in the cup what shone on
His cheek from the softness of the water of youth.

١٩. كأنّها في الكأس ما جال في
خدَّيْه من رقّة ماء الشباب

20. Until the night took over its army,
And the light of dawn untied the knot of the veil.

٢٠. حتى تولّى الليلُ في جيشه
وحلّ ضَوءُ الصّبح عَقْدَ النِّقاب

21. As if the night by its dawn,
It was muddy then cleared up.

٢١. كأنّما الليل بإصباحه
كان عِذاراً حالكاً ثم شابْ

22. Or it was like amber in its color,
So the justice of soft rain cleared it up.

٢٢. أو كان مثل الجَوْر في لونه
فحلّه عدلُ نِزارٍ فغاب

23. Say to Abu al-Mansur, O best of those
Who established or urged for glory horses.

٢٣. قل لأبي المنصور يا خيرَ من
أقام أو حثَّ لمجدٍ ركاب

24. And O Imam, his kingdom was met
By manifestations of power from every door.

٢٤. ويا إماماً قَابَلتْ مُلْكَه
لوائحُ الإقبال من كلّ باب

25. He who endowed you with ability and victory
Who gifted you with rule and the speech of judgment.

٢٥. خوَّلك القدرةَ والنّصَر مَنْ
حَباكَ بالحُكم وفصل الخِطاب

26. Indeed Ibn Hamdan turned away from his integrity
And wanted to gain ignorance, but failed.

٢٦. إن ابن حمدان عدا رُشْدَه
ورام أن يَظفَر جهلاً فخاب

27. The hope he disappointed him with it
And the water shone like a mirage.

٢٧. ظنّ الذي أخْلَفه ظنّه
فيها وخال الماء لَمْعَ السَّراب

28. So O Abu Taghlib, you were given what you wished
And threatened before striking.

٢٨. فيا أبا تَغْلِبَ سُؤْتَ المُنى
ومتَّ بالتّهديد قبل الضِّراب

29. How can a man who fled from the least barking of dogs
Meet the lion in you?

٢٩. كيف يُلاقي الأسْدَ منك امرؤٌ
قد فرّ من أدنى نُباح الكِلاب

30. You fought the Imam of guidance with rebellion
And did not refrain from it, mighty and feared.

٣٠. حارَبْتَ بالبَغْي إمامَ الهدى
ولم تَهَبْ منها عزيزاً يُهاب

31. And his forgiveness was good for you
So what was good from it became bitter.

٣١. وكان قد طاب لكم عفُوه
فعاد مُرّاً منه ما كان طاب

32. He sent you a message in white
Published for you, and you were the answer.

٣٢. وجَّهَ بالبِيضِ كتاباً له
إليك مَنْشوراً فكنُتَ الجواب

33. And the edge of the sword hurried your head
And left your body hostage to dust.

٣٣. وعجَّلتْ رأسَك سُمْرُ القنا
وخلّفت جسمَك رهنَ التراب

34. Thus is the one who loses his happiness like you
Only increases in alienation.

٣٤. كذاك من حُيِّر عن سعده
مِثْلُك لا يَزداد إلاَّ اغتراب

35. O son of Ma'add al-Din, rejoice, for
The kingdoms have extended to you the necks willingly.

٣٥. يا بن معزّ الدين أَبْشِر فقد
مدّتْ لك الأملاك طوعَ الرِّقابْ

36. And the knot of harm over your kingdom untied
Forcibly, and difficulties submitted to you in it.

٣٦. وانحلّ عن مُلْكك عَقْدُ الأذى
قَسْراً وذلّت لك فيه الصِّعاب

37. Because you are the elite of Hashim
And the finest of its masters and essence.

٣٧. لأنّك الغُرّة من هاشم
والصفو من ساداتها واللُّباب

38. The son of purity and the stone of guidance
The son of the Prophet of God, the son of the Book.

٣٨. وابن الصَّفا والحِجرُ ابن الهدى
ابن نبيّ الله ابن الكتاب

39. A palm that satisfies with reward is enough for you
Forgiveness, and a palm that satisfies with punishment.

٣٩. كفّاك كفٌّ تَنْهمي بالثّواب
عفواً وكفٌّ تَنْهمي بالعِقاب

40. How many hands have I been brought together
I have been dutiful to its favors, to the best of goals.

٤٠. كم من يدٍ أَوليْتني جمَّةٍ
أُبْتُ بنُعماها لخير المآب

41. You continue to bring me closer and raise my hand
The act of the generous origin, free of flaws.

٤١. ما زلتَ تُدْنيني وتُعْلى يدي
فعلَ كريم الأصَل حُرِّ النِّصاب

42. I rejoiced in your blessings showing needlessness
Fulfilling hopes, vastness of the sides.

٤٢. فُرحتُ من نُعماك بادِي الغِنى
مُتَمَّمَ الآمال رَحْبَ الجنَاب

43. By God, there is no hair on my body
Except my gratitude to you penetrates it.

٤٣. والله ما في جسدي شعرةٌ
إلاّ وشكري لك فيها سِخَاب