1. The homelands are not far from us, though the distance is long
A place of visit remains with us, and seldom does it fade
١. ليس بُعْدُ الديار مِنا وإن شَطْ
طَ مزارٌ بِنا وقلّ ازديار
2. Not deprived of yearning, rather in distance
Passion strengthens, and remembrance
٢. بمنوعٍ لنا من الشوق بل في الْ
بُعْدِ يَقْوَى الغرامُ والتَّذْكار
3. And if the hearts of a people turn away
Neighboring them does not benefit
٣. وإذا ما قُلوبُ قومٍ تناءتْ
لم يَرُحْ نافعاً لهنّ الجِوار
4. And if the pact of love settles in the soul
And thoughts become intimate with it
٤. وإذا صحَّ مَعْقِدُ الحبِّ في الأَنْ
فُسِ واستأْنَسَتْ به الأَفكار
5. It increases agony day after day, though many promise
And dwellings become distant
٥. زادَ وكْداً في كلّ يوم وإنْ أكْ
ثَرَ واشٍ وإنْ تناءتْ ديارُ
6. Our passion since you bid farewell to life is alive
It cannot be extinguished, even if you kindle fire
٦. شوقُنا مذ ظَعَنْتَ للحيِّ حَيٌّ
ليس تَخْبو له وإنْ بِنْتَ نار
7. And the loyalty you knew remains steady
It has no diminishing from what you were accustomed to
٧. والوفاءُ الذي علمِتَ مقيمٌ
ليس فيه عَمّا عهِدتَ انكسار
8. And for your distance we have a burning pain
And abundant tears streaming for your delight
٨. ولنا لوعةٌ لبُعدِك بِكْرٌ
ودموعٌ على نواك غِزار
9. And if I summarize my poetry then know
That my love for you has no abbreviation
٩. وإذا ما اختصرتُ شِعريَ فاعلم
أَنّ وُدِّيك ليس فيه اختصار
10. The atmosphere darkened when you traveled
To a gloom the dawn and bursting could not illuminate
١٠. أَظَلمَ الجوُّ مذ ترحَّلتَ إِظلا
ماً جفاه الصباحُ والإنفجار
11. And the four corners of slumber hastened
Until the moon rose, and it was concealed within them
١١. واحتذتْ أَرْبُعُ المنامِة حتّى
طلع البَدْرُ وهو فِيها سِرار
12. A dawn from which darkness is absent
And a darkness in which is daytime
١٢. إنّ صُبْحاً تغِيبُ عنه ظلامٌ
وظلاماً تكون فيه نهار
13. A wasteland in which dwellings settle
And dwellings from which wastelands are apparent
١٣. وقِفاراً تحلّ فيها دِيارٌ
ودِياراً تَبِين عنها قِفار