
They blamed me, so my love for you overflowed, when they were harsh

لجوا فلج غرامي فيك إذ عذلوا

1. They blamed me, so my love for you overflowed, when they were harsh
For the lover has persistence that overcomes harshness

١. لَجُّوا فَلَجَّ غرامي فيكَ إذْ عَذَلوا
ولِلمُحِبّ لَجاجُ يَغْلِبُ العَذَلاَ

2. They said, ask about him, so I asked about his love
I said, who can I ask when he has departed

٢. قالوا سلاَ عنكَ فاسْلُ عن مَحَبَّته
فقلتُ مَنْ لي بأَنْ أَسْلُوه حينَ سَلاَ

3. Is it his smiling flash that makes me forget, or his pearl-like quality
Or his straight posture, leaning to one side and balanced

٣. أَبَرْقَ مَبْسِمِه أَنْسَى ولُؤْلُؤَهُ
أم قَدّه مائلاً طَوْراً ومُعْتَدِلا

4. Or his swift speech, or his shy cheek
Or his kohl-lined eye, or his heavy glance

٤. أَمْ لَفْظهُ عَجِلاً أَم خدّهُ خَجِلاً
أمْ طَرْفَه كَحِلاً أَم لَحْظَهُ ثَمِلا

5. Or his reverent chest, or his wet tear
Or his soft hair, or his lazy gait

٥. أَمْ صدَّه وجِلاً أَمْ دَمْعَه خَضِلاً
أَمْ شَعْرُه رَجِلاً أمْ خَطْوَه كَسِلاَ

6. Or his proud height, or his gentle flexibility
Or his slender waist, or his heavy hips

٦. أمْ كِبْرَه صَلفاً أم لِينَهُ تَرَفاً
أم خَصْرَه هَيفاً أم رِدفَهُ ثِقَلا

7. A gazelle - beauty spread among people and separated
It came to him, and to his sides, in waves

٧. ظَبْيٌ غدا الحسنُ بين الناسِ مُفْتَرِقا
وراح فيه وفي أعطافه جُمَلا

8. If only I could kiss his two cheeks, and smell them
From the softness of their tenderness that cannot bear kisses

٨. من لي بتَقْبِيلِ خَدّيْه وَوَرْدُهُما
مِن لُطْفِ رِقَتِهِ لا يَحْمِل القُبَلا