
O you who tended my affection and drew me near,

يا من رعى ودي وأدناني

1. O you who tended my affection and drew me near,
With attachment, and did not intend to abandon me,

١. يا مَن رَعَى وُدِّي وأَدْناني
وَصْلاً ولم يَهْمُمْ بهِجْراني

2. When will I repay him for some of what
He sincerely gave of his love and support?

٢. متى أُجازِيهِ على بعِض ما
أَخْلَص مِن حُبِّي وأولاني

3. Or how can I reward someone
Who angered my enviers and pleased me?

٣. أَم كيف أَسْطيع مكافاةَ مَنْ
أَسْخَطَ حُسَّادي وأَرضاني

4. By God, I still give him
My heart in love and my whole being.

٤. واللهِ لا زِلتُ له باذِلاً
قلبي في الحُبِّ وجُثْماني

5. I will not attain my request from him unless
My secret in him is like my openness.

٥. لا نِلْتُ سؤلي منه إن لم يكن
سِرِّىَ فيه مِثْلَ إعلاني

6. The full moon rises, its brilliance
Set in a branch of aneban.

٦. بدرُ دُجىً يُشرِقُ لألاؤُه
رُكِّب في غُصْنِ من البانِ

7. He still disobeys, in me, the one who has become
Smitten with love of me and my accord.

٧. ما زالَ يعصي فيّ مَن قد غَدَا
يَلْحَاه في الحُبّ ويلحاني

8. So I do not say, in him, the words of one
Who is content with love's different colors.

٨. فلستُ فيه قائلاً قولَ مَن
يَرضَى من الحُبّ بأَلوانِ

9. I sacrifice the one who turned away until, when
He feared for my heart, he pleased me.

٩. فَدَيتُ مَن أعرَضَ حتَّى إذا
خاف عَلَى قلبي ترضّاني