
Wrongdoing is not erased by mere apologies and confessions.

ما محا الذنب عن ذوي الاقتراف

1. Wrongdoing is not erased by mere apologies and confessions.
Your sincere apology we accepted when you came

١. ما محا الذنبَ عن ذوي الاقترافِ
قَطُّ كالاعتذار والاِعترافِ

2. Seeking pardon for your trespass.
We forgave a slip that was not intended by you,

٢. قد قبِلْنا اعتذارَك المحضَ لمّا
جِئْتَ مُسْتَجْدِياً لعَفْوٍ معافِ

3. Nor did it arise from malice.
My knowledge of your pure affection suffices me,

٣. وصَفَحْنا عن زَلَّةٍ لم تكنْ مِن
كَ مُراداً ولا أَتَت عن خِلافِ

4. Making your apology to me adequate.
Yet the wise one whose sleep is not disturbed

٤. إن عِلمِي بمحض وُدِّك مُغْنٍ
لك عِندي عن اعتِذارك كافِ

5. By ambiguities and differences of opinion,
His judgment is to take a weighty and clear view.

٥. غَيرَ أَن اللبِيبَ من لم يَنَمْ عن
شُبُهاتِ الأُمورِ والاختلاف

6. Had your wrong sprung from intent, not inadvertence,
We would have sought justice and redress.

٦. حُكْمُ من قَدَّم النباهةَ أن يَغْ
دو برأْيٍ جَزْلٍ وفِكرٍ صافِ

7. We know you as the loyal keeper of secrets,
The guardian of trust, the just mediator.

٧. لو أتى الذنْبُ منك في غيرِ سهوٍ
لقبِلنا الإنصاف والانتصافِ

8. In my eyes you have a status that poetry’s meters
Could never reckon or enumerate.

٨. قد علمنا بأنّك المخلِصُ الحا
فظ لِلغيبِ والولِيُّ المصافي

9. My backing you each morning springs not
From you, but from my nature and upbringing.

٩. لك عندي فقَرَّ عينا من المُكْ
نَة ما لا تُحْصِيه مِنّي القوافي

10. How often, by the just Imam, when they attacked
With sharp blades, did we shelter your feathers.

١٠. ليس نصرِي لك الغداةَ بِنَاءٍ
عنك منّي ولا حِفاظِي بعافِ

11. When you were stripped bare of retainers and guards
It was I who, for your sake, showed grace and favor.

١١. كم سَقَينا عِداك عِنْدَ الإمام ال
عَدْلِ إذ فَنَّدُوا بِسُمّ ذعافِ

12. I look upon you with the eye of one whose affection
Flows as pure as clear draughts of wine.

١٢. وكَسَوْنا رِيشاً جناحَيْك لمّا
عِريا مِن قوادمٍ وخوافِ

13. I watch over your welfare until I see
Its roots nourished, not withering and dry.

١٣. وأَنا في الجميلِ عنك لنفسِي
شاكرٌ حامدٌ وجازٍ مُكافِ

١٤. إنّني ناظرٌ إليك بعَيْنَيْ
مَنْ صَفَا وُدُّهُ صفاءَ السُّلافِ

١٥. ومُراعٍ لحُسْنِ حالك حتّى
لا أرى غَرْسَها سريعَ الجفافِ