1. Your meanings are more lasting than bamboo canes from India
And your words are sweeter than the nectar of honey
١. معانيك أمضى من شَبا قُضُبِ الهند
ولفظُك أحلى موقِعاً من جنى الشّهْدِ
2. You sent it from the secret of a sincere soul
And the hiddenness of a heart that does not contradict what it reveals
٢. بعثتَ به عن سرّ نفس وفيّةٍ
ومكنونِ قلبٍ لا يُخالِف ما يُبدى
3. Words and interpretation that embodied in them
The loyalty of dispositions carrying the love of intimacy
٣. كلاماً وتأويلاً تجسّم فيهما
وفاءُ السّجايا حاملاً مهجَة الوُدّ
4. So I have not seen words like it that speak to their speaker
So tell me what you have with what I have
٤. فلم أَرَ لفظاً مثلَه عاد لافِظاً
فأخبَرني عمّا لديك بما عندي
5. Both of us, though long is the separation between us
Are loyal friends staying true to the covenant
٥. كلانا وإن طال التفرُّق بيننا
لصاحبه وافٍ مقيمٌ على العهد
6. And the like of you, who did not accept treachery as a trait
And did not turn away since you were from obeying glory
٦. ومثلكُ من لم يَرْضَ بالغدر شيمةً
ولم ينصرف مذ كان عن طاعة المجد
7. You followed the tracks of your noble ancestors
And the best of sons is the one who follows the ways of his grandfather
٧. جريتَ على آثار أسلافك الألى
وخيرُ البنين المُقْتفِي سَنَن الجَدِّ
8. If the nights have tested you, indeed it has appeared from you
Your resolve, determination and effort of past
٨. لئن لَؤُمتْ فيك الليالي لقد بدا
لها منك ماضي العزم والحزم والجِدّ
9. And no atom's weight has decreased from your wisdom
With disasters, nor has your patience been undone by any knot
٩. وما نقصَتْ من وزن حلمك ذَرّةً
بخطبٍ ولا حلَّت لصبرك من عَقْد
10. And the days have not thrown you except to fold you
And every scoundrel is hateful towards the noble
١٠. ولم تَرْمِك الأيامُ إلاّ للؤمها
وكلُّ لئيم للكريم على حقد
11. So do not grieve over fate if it lets a group prosper
For their luck in it is according to the fortune
١١. فلا تَبتئس بالدَهر إن سَرَّ معشَراً
فنحسُهُم فيه على قدَر السّعد
12. I swore by the tips of the spears as banners
Of blood, and by the sharpening of the polished swords
١٢. حَلفتُ بأطراف الرِّماح رواعفاً
دماً وبتقريب المطَّهمة الجُرد
13. And by the pure, rightly-guided Hashimite
The protected Mamun, truthful to his promise
١٣. وبالطَّاهر المهديِّ سيّدِ هاشم
أَليّةَ مأمونِ الهدى صادق الوعد
14. That soon the cloudiness will disappear
Showing you the clear path of justice and guidance
١٤. لَتَنْكَشِفنْ عما قليل عَمَاية
تُريك سبيلَ العدل واضحة الرّشد