1. Evidence that what he encountered would undo him
Is that had you wished his survival, he would have survived
١. دليلٌ عَلى أن سوف يُرْدِيه ما لَقِي
بأنَّك لو قد شئْتَ بُقْياه ما بقي
2. And inform him that chance and passion
Came to him reluctantly, not by nature's making
٢. ومُنبِئهُ أن التّصابِي والهوى
أتاه بكُرْهٍ لا بطبعِ تَخَلّق
3. Your reproaching eyes are beautiful in that
When seen by one free of love, enflame desire
٣. محاجِرك القاضي لهَا الحسنُ أَنّها
مَتَى يَرها خَالٍ من العشق يَعْشقِ
4. By the soft cheeks, languid eyes
And gleam of white breasts in the gathered shirt
٤. أَمَا والخدودِ النّاعمات أَلِيَّةً
ونَبْلِ العيون الفاترات الْمُفَوَّقِ
5. And freshness of pomegranate breasts suspended
Passion for me made departure a calamity
٥. وبرقِ الثنايا البيضِ في حُوَّة اللّمى
وَصِحَّةِ رُمّان الصُّدور المُعَلَّقِ
6. Tearing asunder all patience
When distance expanded and bonds were severed
٦. لقد هاجَ لي وشكُ الوَداع صَبابةً
تُمَزّقُ عنّي الصبرَ كُلَّ مُمزَّقِ
7. And those who reproached us for our love became
Strangers once intimate, burdens once dear
٧. ولما اسْتَحَرَّ البينُ وانشقت العصا
وأَيقن أُلاَّف الهوى بالتفرّق
8. We stood exchanging glances, messages flashing between us
Then from the wall's side, a gazelle appeared
٨. وشطّ بمن نهواه بَيْنٌ وأَصبحوا
ضَمائِرَ أحداج وأَثقالَ أَينقِ
9. As though the morn borrowed splendor from her grace
May I die for you, slain by a glance you deftly mixed
٩. وقفنا ندارِي الكاشِحين ولحظُنا
رسائلُ بَثٍّ بَيننا وتشوّقِ
10. With a flickering beam in your eyelashes
And if you left nothing of me but a burning liver, a sleepless eye
١٠. وقد برزت من جانب الخِدر غادةٌ
كأنّ الضحى مِنها استعان برونقِ
11. As though the nights did not allow us the sincerity of delightful company
We did not beg youth for water from his spring
١١. فداؤكِ مقتولٌ بلحظٍ خلطتِهِ
بِشِبه كَرىً في مقلتيك مُرَنَّقِ
12. Or open from his gates what was shut
I made my wine from the meadows' wine, taking the place
١٢. وإن كنتِ ما أبقيتِ مِني بقيّة
سوى كبِدٍ حَرّىً وطَرْفٍ مُؤَرَّقِ
13. Of aged wine, better than the decanted
And yellow, uncooked by fire, I drank it
١٣. كأن الليالي لم تكن سمحت لنا
بِجِدّة عيشٍ في ذراهنّ مُؤنِقِ
14. On the cheeks of the beloved marked with down
As though the bubbles of the cup were from his mouth's verse
١٤. ولم نك نَسْتَسْقِي الصِّبا ماءَ مُزْنِهِ
ونفتح مِن أبوابِهِ كلّ مغلقِ
15. Its radiance from his shining cheek
True regret whose nature cannot be known
١٥. وابيضَ من خَمرِ الثّغورِ جعلته
غبوقِي مكان البابِليّ المعتّقِ
16. To the purity of strained wine
I gave him the cup of my regret which raises him
١٦. وصفارَ لم تُطْبخْ بنارٍ شرِبتها
على وجهِ معشوق السجايا مُقَرْطق
17. and provides him my care and grace
From woe and bounty I attained, but my fortune
١٧. كأنّ حَباب الكأسِ من نظم ثغرِهِ
وإشراقها مِن خدّهِ المتألّقِ
18. Did not bend, nor did I show excess strain
With glorious deeds I will defend myself from fate's blows
١٨. ونَدْمان صِدقٍ ليس تنبو طِباعه
بحيث صفا صَفْوَ الشّرابِ المُرَوّقِ
19. Fate fears him and is wary of his blows
An imam - when he extends his hands to the dew
١٩. بذلت له كَأْسَي ندامى تَعُلُّهُ
ورِفِدِي وإيناسي وحسن تملقي
20. They gush like pouring rain
His proof guided every lost soul
٢٠. مِن البؤس والنعماءِ نلتُ فما انْحَنَتْ
قناتِي ولا أَبديت فرط تضيّقِ
21. His palm's bounty enriched every beggar
The heights connected to his loftiness and descended
٢١. سَأَثْنِي خطوبَ الدّهرِ عني بماجدٍ
تخاف خطوبُ الدّهرِ منه وتَتّقِي
22. By his precedence, the verses of the book confirmed true
Noble through him the caliphate of Hashim
٢٢. إمام إذا حنَّتْ يداه إلى النَّدَى
تَفَجَّرتا كالعارِض الْمُتَدَفِّقِ
23. Every blossoming branch thrived
He surpassed the limits of praise to a point
٢٣. هَدَى بِسَنا بُرْهانِهِ كُلَّ حائِرٍ
وأغنى بجَدْوَى كفّه كُلَّ مُمْلِق
24. Beyond which all thought and speech fall short
With the favor of a palm beneath which every granter
٢٤. وصَلَّتْ لعَلْياه العُلا وتَنَزَّلت
بتفضِيلِه آيُ الكتابِ الْمُصَدَّقِ
25. And radiance of a face beneath which all radiance falls
Were it not for care for the people, since I
٢٥. عزيزٌ بِهِ عَزًَّتْ خلافُة هاشم
وأَوْرَقَ مِن أغصانِها كُلُّ مُورِقِ
26. Among men, know best what you have attained
I would praise you with the praise you deserve
٢٦. تجاوزَ غاياتِ المديح لغايةٍ
يُقَصِّرُ عنها كُلُّ فِكْرٍ ومَنْطِقِ
27. And avoid these hollow words
For you are the essence of all greatness demands
٢٧. بإفضالِ كَفٍّ دونها كُلّ مُفْضِلٍ
وإِشراقِ وجهٍ دونَه كُلُّ مُشْرِق
28. Who does not say what I say babbles emptily
You embody all the perfection you contain
٢٨. ولولا مداراةُ الأنامِ لأنني
من الناسِ أَدْرَى بالذِي أَنت مرتقِي
29. While many who speak it do not fulfill it
We wronged you when we compared you to the sea in bounty
٢٩. مدحْتُك بالمدحِ الذي أنت أهلُه
وعدّيت عن هذا الكلامِ المنمَّقِ
30. However much your current overflows, the sea drowns
He who compared the full moon at its perfection
٣٠. لأنك مَعْنَى كلِّ ما تَقْتَضِي الْعُلاَ
ومن لم يَقُلْ ما قُلته يَتَزَنْدَقِ
31. To the star Suhail strays in analogy and perishes
And who is he that called you to generosity, and despaired
٣١. تُحَقّقُ ما تَحْوِيهِ من كلّ سؤددٍ
وكم سؤددٍ بالقولِ لم يَتَحَقّق
32. Of attaining success and provision through your call?
Are you not the son of the best of all people, father and grandfather
٣٢. ظلَمناك إذ قسناك بالبحرِ في الندى
ومهما يخَض تَيَّارَكَ البحرُ يَغْرقِ
33. When lineages rise above every hill
And most resembling them in glory, scion and origin
٣٣. ومن قاس بَدْرَ التّمّ عند كمالِه
بنجم السها يَضْلِلْ قياساً ويَزْهَقِ
34. When they ascend above all creation?
So excel the kings of earth in eminence
٣٤. ومن ذا الذي ناداك للجودِ واعتفى
نَداك فلم يَظْفَرْ بنُجْح ويُرْزَقِ
35. And outrace them in pride, prevail and outdo
Fight them and you will gain, avoid them and you will be safe
٣٥. ألستَ ابنَ خيرِ النّاسِ جداً ووالداً
إذا عَلَتِ الأنساب من كل مُعْرِقِ
36. Seek vengeance on them and you will reach and overtake
For enemies know you have raided them
٣٦. وأَشْبَهَهم في المجد فَرعا وعُنصراً
إذا ركبوا مِنه على كل مُخْلَق
37. And met you in battle, blow after blow
You cast only the arrows of doves
٣٧. ففاضِلْ ملوكَ الأَرض تَفْضُلْهُم عُلاً
وسابقْهُمُ في الفخرِ تَظْفَر وتَسْبِقِ
38. And walked only on prone necks
Had you come to them alone, you would quench their fires
٣٨. وحاربْهُمُ تَغنم ويَمِّمْهُمُ تُعَنْ
وطالِبْهُمُ بالثأر تُدْرِكْ وتَلْحَقِ
39. With a fire - when sparked by you - that burns
For by the fortune of your advance, with spears
٣٩. فقد علم الأعداء أنك زرتهم
ولاقَوك حرباً زَرْدَقاً بعد زَرْدَقِ
40. And your protected view, amidst the regiments
So say to the kings of earth, fear him for he is
٤٠. ولم تَرمِ إلا بالحِمامِ أَسِنّةً
ولم تمشِ إلا فوق هامٍ مُفَلّقِ
41. When you fear an unforeseen event, himself prepared
Thus are God's friends - if others seek their place
٤١. ولو زرتَهم فرداً لأَخمَدت نارَهم
بنارٍ متَى يَصْلَوْا بها مِنك تُحْرِقِ
42. They obtain but disgrace and slip
Indeed, you see birds in the sincerity of their hunting
٤٢. لأنك من إقبالِ سعدِك في قَناً
ومن رأيك المعصومِ في ظِلِّ فيلقِ
43. And begin their poetry with none but you, the adorned neck
Oh land of Baghdad, cry out at the battle
٤٣. فقلْ لملوكِ الأرضِ خافوه إِنه
متى ما اتقيتم حادِثاً غيرُ متّقِي
44. That will be his, between Euphrates and Jaljul
The white swords will sing in it of his victory
٤٤. كَذَا أولياءُ اللهِ إن رام غيرهم
مرامَهُمُ يَظْفَرْ بخِزيٍ ويَزلَقِ
45. And the earth will be watered by his spilt blood
If fate intends betrayal by a traitor
٤٥. نعم وتراه الطّير في صدق صيدها
ويشدو بها غَيْرَ الحمامِ المُطَوَّقِ
46. Its betrayal, by you, is folly and stupidity
Yes, its good fortune smiles since its stars
٤٦. فيا أرضَ بغدادٍ أصِيخِي لوقعة
تكون له بين الفراتِ وجلّقِ
47. In your constellation, continue in ascendance
You are a feast that outshines all feasts in beauty
٤٧. تغنِّي السيوفُ البِيضُ فيها بنصرِه
وتُروِي الثرى من دمعِهِ المترقرقِ
48. And meets barefoot generosity in excellent garb
I will clothe you in the perfume of praise whenever
٤٨. إذا رامتِ الأقدار غَدراً بخائنٍ
رماك بِهِ بَغْيٌ وغِرّةُ أَحمقِ
49. Your great deeds fall upon it and scent the air
٤٩. ليهنَ سعودَ العيد أَنّ نجومها
ببرجِك ما زالت على السعد تلتقِي
٥٠. وأَنك عيدٌ يَغْمُرُ العيدَ حُسْنُه
ويلقَى عُفاةَ الجودِ في زِيّ شَيِّقِ
٥١. سأكْسُوك من طِيبِ الثناءِ قوافياً
متى ما تَقَعْ فيها معاليك تَعْبَقِ