
The nights have cast their shadows upon you,

رمتك الليالي بأرزائها

1. The nights have cast their shadows upon you,
Yet they did not rely on you, nor did they know.

١. رمتْك الليالي بأرزائها
ولم تعتمدْك ولم تعلمِ

2. When they realized their events
Had become too great for the insignificant,

٢. فلمّا درت أن أحداثَها
عَظُمن على غير مستعظِم

3. And their disasters had befallen you,
They found you firmer than granite,

٣. وأنّ مَخاذِمَها نازَلتْكَ
فلاقتكَ أمضَى من المِخْذَمِ

4. And more courageous in adversity than a lion,
They returned their harm as a favor to you,

٤. وأجلدَ في الرّزء مِنْ خَطْبها
وأشجَعَ في الرَّوع من ضَيْغم

5. Adorned with bounties.
And they gave you manifold what they had taken,

٥. أعادتْ إساءتَها مِنّةً
لديك مجلَّلة الأنعُم

6. And came to you in the guise of one submitting.
They did not betray you; rather their betrayal

٦. وأعطتْك أضعافَ ما أفقدتْكَ
وجاءتْك في زِيِّ مستسلمِ

7. Was of their own temperament, which did not understand.
Rejoice, O full moon of the horizon,

٧. وما غدرتْ بك بل غدرُها
بمُهجتها وهيَ لم تَفهَمِ

8. The birth of your sun among the stars,
It came to you, better than one who offers condolences

٨. ليهنِك يا بدرَ أفقِ العُلا
وِلادةُ شمسك للأنجم

9. For glory, and more honorable than one who belongs.
It adorns the heights and spreads the dew,

٩. أتتك به خيرَ من يَعتزي
لمجد وأكرمَ من يَنتمي

10. And clears the darkness of the gloomy night.
You have congratulated it at the rising of the two lucky ones,

١٠. يزينُ العُلا ويَبثّ النَّدَى
ويجلو سوادَ الدّجى المظلمِ

11. And filled it for the duration of misfortunes.
You still remain in the honor of favors,

١١. فهنّيتَه مَطَلَع الفَرقَدَين
ومُلِّيتَه مدّةَ الأزلَمِ

12. The place of the bracelet on the wrist.
I repay you with praise before deeds,

١٢. ولا زلت في شرف المكرمات
مكانَ السِّوار من المِعصَم

13. For your most gracious and kindest affection.

١٣. أكافيكَ بالمدح قبلَ الفعال
على ودّك الأطيب الأكرم