1. You gave loyalty with the utmost devotion of an enamored lover,
And remained faithful to the extent of surpassing my imagination.
١. أخلصتَ إخلاصَ المحبِّ المغرمِ
ووفيتَ حتّى جزتَ حَدَّ تَوَهُّمي
2. You granted me the essence of your pure love,
Utterly unadulterated, mingled with joints and blood.
٢. ومنَحتني مكنونَ حُبِّك خالصاً
مَحْضاً مَشُوباً بالمفَاصِلِ والدَّمِ
3. A man is most honorable when he becomes,
An adherent to the covenant of the most ancient preservers.
٣. والمرءُ أكرمُ ما يكون إذا غَدَا
وَقْفاً على عَهدِ الحِفاظ الأقدَم
4. Thus praise does not become pure for one who does good,
Nor is he recompensed unless he completes it.
٤. ولِذَاك لا يَصْفُو الثناءُ لفاعل
خيراً ولا يُجْزاه إن لم يُتْمم
5. My least right to you does not reach its essence
In my description of it, even if my mouth were full.
٥. فأقلُّ حَقِّك ليس يَبلغُ كُنْهَهُ
وَصْفي له ولو انّه مِلْءُ الفَم
6. It comes to you from my heart even if you do not come to me,
A hidden passion and evident doer, so know.
٦. يَلقاكَ من قلبي وإن لم تَلقَني
وُدَّانِ مكتومٌ وبادٍ فاعلَم
7. No - by Him in Whose hand is my soul - I do not hope
That my thoughts of you are dispelled through sleep.
٧. لا والّذي بِيديهِ ما أنا آمِلٌ
ما بِتْنَ عنكَ خواطِرِي بالنُّوَّم
8. If your image were amidst the blackness of my sight,
My eye would not be pained by it.
٨. فلو أنَّ شخصَكَ وَسْطَ أسَودِ ناظِري
ما كان طَرْفي مِنه بالمتألّم
9. And I asked Allah, Lord of Muhammad,
And supplicated to Him for you with the prayer of the mute.
٩. ولقد سألتُ الله ربَّ محّمدٍ
ودعوتُ فِيكَ له دعاءَ الأبكَم
10. And tomorrow for one who hopes for happiness tomorrow,
Is more delicious for him than his preceding day.
١٠. وَغدٌ لمِن يرجو السعادةَ في غَدٍ
أَشْهَى له من يَومِهِ المتقدم