1. You have repaid excessive affection with reciprocation
And one like you who attained guidance and was guided
١. جَزَيتَ بفَرْط الودّ مثْنَى ومَوْحدا
ومثلُك من سامَ الهدَاية واهتدى
2. You have never ceased to follow the way of Ahmed
Constructing from it all that was constructed
٢. وما زلتَ في مِنهاج سنّة أحمد
تشيِّد منه كلّ ما كان شُيِّدا
3. And resembling him in guidance, righteousness and creed
Thus does one resemble virtuous fathers if born with fortune
٣. وتُشْبِهُهُ هَدْياً وبرّاً ومذهباً
كذا يُشْبه الآباءَ من طاب مولِدا
4. And I have never ceased to expect in you this sagacity
And made it known until it appeared from you
٤. وما زلتُ أرجو فيك هذا فِراسةً
وأعلَمه حتى بدا منك ما بدا
5. May your good fortune guide your abundant affection toward us
And the good fortune of a man for a man has always been a guide
٥. سعودُك قادت صفوَ ودِّك نحونا
وما زال سعدُ المرء للمرء مرشِدا
6. So do not shy from what befalls you of sorrows
For all that could keep distant has come to pass from it
٦. فلا يَبْتعد ما يعتريك به المُنى
فقد آن منه كلُّ ما قد تبعدا
7. When the ignorant shun a matter, his manners recoil from it
And he is laden with pretense
٧. إذا استبعد الأمرَ الجهولُ تضايقت
خلائقه عنه وملَّ التّجلُّدا
8. While you will find the brilliant, noble-natured intelligent man
His traits made more resolute by calamities
٨. وتَلْقى اللبيبَ الماجدَ الطبع ثابتاً
تَزيد سجاياه الرّزايا تشدّدا
9. And you are indeed witnessed to have wisdom, discernment
And resolve when times grew difficult and calamitous
٩. وإنّك لَلْمَشهود رأياً وحكمةً
وحزماً إذا اشتدّ الزمان وسؤددا
10. I do not mix my advice toward your affection fearing
It would diminish should time treat it badly
١٠. ولم أزْج وعظي نحو ودِّك أنّني
أخاف عليه الدهر أن يَتبدَّدا
11. But it is a reminder that increases your passion for me
And loyalty when all passions have changed and renewed
١١. ولكنّه ذكرٌ يزيد هواك لي
وفاءً إذا كلّ الهوى وتجددا
12. I swore a solemn oath by my honorable fathers
And by God thereafter even more binding
١٢. حَلفتُ بآبائي الكرام ألِيّةً
وبالله حَلْفاً بعد ذاك مؤكّدا
13. You will grant me my request from what you love
And attain the utmost extent of what you hope for in return
١٣. لَتجْتَنِينّ السُؤل ممّا تُحبّه
وتبلغُ أقصى ما تؤمِّل في العِدا
14. It is but a night whose essence was beautiful
So do not despair, observe it tomorrow
١٤. وما هي إلاّ ليلة طاب جَوْنُها
فلا تَبْتئس إذ ذاك وارقب لها غدا