
The Arabs have extended their necks to you,

إليك مدت رقابها العرب

1. The Arabs have extended their necks to you,
And kingship is water pouring upon you.

١. إليك مَدّتْ رقابَها العَرَبُ
والمُلْكُ ماءٌ عليك مُنْسَكِبُ

2. And you are from the sand dune of prophethood, not
Befriending except your loathed enemies.

٢. وأنتَ من دَوْحة النبوّة لا
تَألَفُ إلاّ عُدَاتك الرِّيَب

3. Are you not the one whom God fears and no
Reason deters him from his limits?

٣. ألستَ مَنْ يَرْهَب الإلهَ ولا
يَصُدّه عن حدوده سبب

4. And whenever the beginning of his resolve inclined
To a doctrine you did not oppose the heel.

٤. وكلّما مال بَدْءُ عَزْمته
لمذهب لم تُخَالِف العُقَب

5. So it is that kings crack when
They disagree and the errors disappear.

٥. فهكذا تَصْدَع الملوكُ إذا
صالَت وتَنْفي الضَّلالةَ الشُّهُب

6. And religion flourishes with the honored
Faith of God, the insightful, and the ardent.

٦. ويَزْدَهِي الدِّين بالمُعِزّ لدي
ن الله والمُرْهَفَاتُ واليَلَبُ

7. And every loud clamor, its intentions
Are its antidotes, the spears, and the clubs.

٧. وكلُّ رَجْراجةٍ عزائمُه
دِلاَصُها والرِّماح والقُضُب

8. And this state which flourished
So time and eras could not contain it.

٨. وهذه الدولةُ التي زَخَرتْ
فلم يَسَعْها الزمانُ والحِقَب

9. How wonderful is your dewy time when
A time has ordered and your dusty time ebbed.

٩. يا حبّذا دَهْرُك الزُّلالُ إذا
أَمَرّ دهرٌ وعصرُك الشَّنِب

10. And wonderful is the sunshade that erected
Eulogies and speeches fall short of it.

١٠. وحبَّذا الشَّمْسةُ التي نَصبتْ
يَقْصُر عنها المديحُ والخُطَبُ

11. It diminished the feast when it arrived
And obscured the day while it stood tall.

١١. قايَستِ العِيدَ وهي حُلْتُه
وأخفت اليومَ وهو مُنْتَصب

12. Its gems snatch eyes so they are not
Complete except from where it is snatched.

١٢. يَنْهَب ياقوتُها العيونَ فما
يَكْملُ إلاَّ من حيث يَنْتَهب

13. A circle peered with its might
Capable, not vilified by the clouds.

١٣. دائِرةٌ أحدقتْ بعُزتها
أهِلةٌ لا تُجِنّها السُّحُب

14. As if its pearls and essence
Are stars, its sky is gold.

١٤. كأنما دُرّها وجوهرُها
نجومُ ليل سماؤها ذَهَبُ

15. As if your virtues were adorned
No shame upon them, and integrity exhausted.

١٥. كأنما رُصِّعتْ مَناقبُك ال
غُرّ عليها وأٌفْرغ الحَسَبُ

16. The sun has a right to the length of its absence
From it, and the essence of shyness is stolen.

١٦. حقّ على الشمس طولُ نِقْبتها
منها وذاتُ الحياء تُنْتَقب

17. And I saw it without blemish in it
So how did they say its beloved are the beads?

١٧. وقد أراها ولا مُدامَ بها
فكيف قالوا لدُرّها الحَبَبُ

18. You have composed it for guidance and its night prayer
Even if the passionate Arabs become angry.

١٨. نَظمتَها للهُدَى ولَبَّتِه
وإن سَخِطن الكواعبُ العُرُبُ

19. In the heart of the Sacred Mosque it has
Yearning, and for the house towards it desire.

١٩. في كِبِد المسجِد الحرام لها
شوقٌ وللبيت نحوها طربُ

20. So no time will pass with its people
Except what it desires and expects.

٢٠. فلا تَمَشَّى بأهله زمنٌ
إلاّ بما تَشْتهي وتَرْتَقب

21. May God send blessings upon you whenever
A sun rose and a well-built hill showered.

٢١. صلّى عليك الإلهُ ما طَلعَتْ
شمسٌ وما أنهلّ عارِضٌ لَجِبُ