
Do you not see the movements of the wind foretelling

أما ترى حركات الريح مخبرة

1. Do you not see the movements of the wind foretelling
That the clouds are directing rain towards the earth?

١. أما ترى حركاتِ الريح مُخْبِرةً
أنّ الغمام يَصُوبُ الأرضَ بالمطرِ

2. The atmosphere is wrapped in outspread brocade
As if it were the diversity of black and white.

٢. فالجوّ ملتحِف بُسْطاً مفوَّفةً
كأنهن اختلافُ الوشي والحَبَر

3. It was as though when the cool breeze of the clouds appeared,
It was a loved one visiting in the early dawn.

٣. كأنّ بردَ نسيم الغَيْم حين بدا
ارتشافِ حبيبٍ زار في السَّحَرِ

4. So pass around the cups of revelry
Between the melodies of the flute and strings.

٤. فأجرِ فيه كؤوسَ اللَّهو دائرةً
بين ارتجاع حنين الناي والوَتَرِ

5. And know that the nights are not lasting,
So do not persist in diversion or abandonment.

٥. واعلمْ بأنّ الليالي غيرُ باقيةٍ
فلا تُبَقِّ على لهوٍ ولا تَذَرِ