
Your separation is more bitter than a severe, angry blade

فراقك أمضى من شبا الصارم العضب

1. Your separation is more bitter than a severe, angry blade
And your distance brings more grief to my heart and soul

١. فراقُك أمضى من شَبَا الصارم العَضبِ
وبُعُدك أضْنى للفؤاد وللقلب

2. Had I not felt a premonition of parting between us
I would not have known that wishes hollow out the heart of desire

٢. وما كنتُ لو لا وشكُ بينك عالماً
بأنّ النَّوى تُخْلِ الفؤادَ من اللبِّ

3. Nor was my soul patient in your absence
To split it between distance and nearness

٣. ولم تك نفسي في فراقك جَلْدةً
فتَقْسِمها بين التَّبعُّد والقرب

4. Indeed my eyes were deprived of sleep because of your absence
Just as my soul found no consolation except in loving you

٤. لقد حُرَمْت عيني لبَينك نومَها
كما لم تَجُدْ إلاّ لك النّفس بالحبّ