
I did not leave you two by choice, would the left hand choose to lose the right?

لم أفارقكما اختيارا وهل تختار

1. I did not leave you two by choice, would the left hand choose to lose the right?
Never! God forbid any aloofness, coldness or boredom between us.

١. لَم أفارِقْكُما اختِياراً وهَلْ تَخْتا
ر يُمْنَى اليدينِ فَقْدَ الشِّمالِ

2. You two are the light of my eyes, who else in all people was created as the light of their eyes?
Yet time was too miserly to allow our state to continue.

٢. حاشَ للهِ مِنْ قِلىً وصُدودٍ
وسُلُوٍّ وجَفْوَةٍ ومَلالِ

3. Such is its way, to diminish what was perfected and ruin what was complete.
So excuse me for any hurt I caused in our distance, and do not blame me for the wrongs of our nights apart.

٣. أنتما نورُ ناظِرَيَّ وهل في النْ
نَاسِ خَلْقٌ لنور عَيْنَيه قالي

4. I will not congratulate you on an Eid, for Eid is a lessening for us of our days left together.
Rather, our precious Eid is the one whose blessings have brought us the utmost hopes.

٤. غير أنّ الزمان أَبْخَلُ مِن أَنْ
يتمادَى على إدامةِ حالِ

5. Every day we gain through the efforts of my father the vizier is a renewed Eid of joy.
A king of the Prophet's family, a rightly guided noble doer of good.

٥. شأْنُه نقصُ ما اسْتَتَمَّ مِن الأَمْ
رِ وإفْسَادُ ما انتهى مِن كمالِ

٦. فاعْذِرَا من عَذَلْتُماه على الْبُعْ
دِ ولُومَا في الْبُعْد جَوْرَ اللِّيالي

٧. لا أُهنّيكما بعِيدٍ لأَنّ ال
عيدَ نَقْصٌ لَنا مِن الآجالِ

٨. إنما عِيدُنا العزِيزُ الّذي نِل
نا بنُعْماه مُنْتَهَى الآمالِ

٩. كلُّ يومٍ نِلنا بِجَدْوى أَبِي المن
صورِ عيدٌ مُجَدَّدُ الإقبالِ

١٠. مَلِكٌ من بَنِي الوصيِّ عَزِيزٌ
نَبَويٌ الهُدَى كَرِيم الفِعَالِ