1. One day I deceived fate about it, so I did not cease
Justifying myself with it being the wind's fault, along with my companions,
١. ويومٍ خَدعتُ الدّهَر عنه فلم أَزَلْ
أُعَلِّل نفسي فيه بالرّاح مَعْ صَحْبي
2. Near a garden whose bushes grew tall,
And the Nile generously watered it with its sweet water,
٢. لدى روضةٍ عالَت رُباها كُرومُها
وجاد عليه النِّيل من مائه العَذْب
3. As if the purest musk were mixed with its soil,
So the winds blew it everywhere along with the dust,
٣. كأنّ سحيقَ المسك خالَط أرضَها
فجالت به فيها الرِّياح مع التُّرْب
4. As if the Nile's daughters and the winds were throwing
With them the coats of stallions with graying manes,
٤. كأنّ بناتِ النِّيل والرِّيحُ تَرْتمي
بهنّ طُلَى خيل مُؤَثَّلة شُهْب
5. And sometimes the water seemed in the glow of morning
Like the blades of polished swords with curved hilts,
٥. وطوراً تَخال الماءَ في رونق الضُّحى
مُتونَ سيوفٍ لُحْن مصقولةٍ قُضْبٍ
6. And if the morning breeze stirred it, you would think
It was flasks that girls were playing with, unsettled.
٦. وتَحسبه إن مَخَّضته يَدُ الصَّبا
قَواريَر ما يَفْتُرن من قلق اللِّعْب
7. As if the waves in the tangled hair
Were stars of Tura in the darkness of an arduous night.
٧. كأنّ المَدَارِي في تَراكُب شَعْرِها
نجومُ الثريا في سواد دُجىً صَعْب