1. They scented the wind with perfume and said,
"If you split open, you will find the union."
١. ضَمَّخوا الريحَ بالعَبِيرِ وقالوا
إنْ تَنَشَّقْتَها لِقيتَ الوصالا
2. We spread it as wide as it spreads, so if you wish for a vision,
Behold, do not expect to meet the crescent moon.
٢. نَشْرُها نَشْرنا فإن شِئتَ رؤيا
نا فلا تَعْدُ أن تُلاقِي الهِلالا
3. We have sent into the wind, sun, and full moon
An image of us to your eyes.
٣. قد بَعَثْنا في الريح والشمسِ والبدْ
رِ إلى مُقْلَتَيك مِنّا مِثالا
4. Leave off disdain in repelling, for we
Cannot bear a watcher or blamer.
٤. فدعِ العذْلَ في الصدودِ فإنّا
لا نُطِيقُ الرقيبَ والعُذَّالا