
I set out at night in its darkness,

قد أغتدي والليل في دجاه

1. I set out at night in its darkness,
And morning had not yet emerged with its radiance,

١. قد أغْتِدي والليلُ في دُجاهُ
والصبح لم يَنْهَضْ به سَناهُ

2. On a lively horse I had forgotten,
With protruding chest and sturdy build,

٢. على حِصَانٍ شَنِجٍ نَساهُ
أنْبَطَ نَهْدٍ عَبِلٍ شَواه

3. Tall, complete, perfectly formed,
Its four legs matching each other,

٣. سامي التَّليلِ سالمٍ شَظَاهُ
ذي غُرّة أوّلُها أُذْناه

4. Hind legs higher than forelegs,
With a coat the color of dark night,

٤. جاز بها مسيلُها مداه
حتى لقد كادت تُغَطِّي فاه

5. That had dyed its mane and tail,
So it blended into the dark that carried the dawn,

٥. مُسْتكمِل التّحجِيلِ مُسْتَوْفَاه
أربَعُه وبطنُه أشباه

6. Its pace outpacing the glance of an eye,
Not touching the ground or feeling it,

٦. مُخالِفٌ أسفلُه أعلاه
بدُهْمةٍ قد ملأتْ قَراه

7. Its legs gliding as if flying,
If a lion roared calling its cubs, it would answer,

٧. وانصبغت منه أليَّتاه
فهو دُجىً يَحْمِله ضُحاهُ

8. Swifter to reach what it seeks,
Than an arrow reaching its target,

٨. تَسْبِق أقصَى لحظِه خُطاه
لا يَطَأُ التُّرْبَ ولا تَلْقاه

9. Its legs moving in accord with what it sees,
As if the word conforms to its meaning,

٩. رِجلاهُ في العَدْو ولا يَداهُ
كأنه يطير في مَجْرَاهُ

10. Its legs match its hands in speed,
As if when galloping in its stride,

١٠. إذا دعا ليثُ الفَلاَ لبّاه
أسرعُ للشيء إذا ابتغاه

11. Its hind legs precede its forelegs,
Without tiring or flagging in zeal,

١١. منْ مَبْلَغ السَّهْم لُمنتهاه
مُرْتَبِطُ الرِّجْلِ بما يَراه

12. Or sweating moisture from its flank,
As if when it ran past others,

١٢. كالّلفظ ملتفّاً به معناه
تحسُد منه يدَه رجلاه

13. Its master could sleep atop its back,
Galloping strongly, unstoppable,

١٣. حتى يكاد وهو في مَعْدَاه
تَسْبِق أُخْراه به أُولاه

14. Without an eyelid flinching in displeasure,
Deliberate in its smooth gait, wandering,

١٤. لا يَشْتكي من تَعَبٍ وجَاه
ولا تَنَدّى عَرَقاً جَنْباه

15. Chasing the deer wherever they fled,
With claws like those of a creature of prey,

١٥. كأنّه إذا جرى سواه
لو نام فوق مَتْنِه مولاه

16. All winged creatures flee from its onslaught,
It spends the night restless with hunger at dawn,

١٦. وهو شديد العَدْوِ لاسْتَوطاه
ولم يَطِرْ عن جفنه كَراه

17. Its eyes like chiseled gold,
In a forehead protruding behind,

١٧. أشْوسُ في مِشْيته تيّاه
يُطاولِ الجوزاءَ مَن مَطَاه

18. Guiding those lost from its path,
Its intelligence almost burning it,

١٨. وأشْهبٍ مِخْلَبُهُ شَبَاهُ
كلُّ ذوات الرِّيش مِن عِدَاه

19. If it sought a planet it would reach it,
Never tired or exhausted by it,

١٩. بات يَهِيج جوعَه غَدَاه
كأنّ فَصَّيْ ذهبٍ عيناه

20. Its eyelids never closed in the air,
While seeking its food yearningly,

٢٠. في هامةٍ قد بَرزتْ وَراه
هادِيَةٍ مَنْ ضَلّ عن سُراه

21. When the partridge appeared before it,
And it descended upon it from its right,

٢١. يكاد أن يَحْرِقه ذَكاه
لو طلب الكوكبَ لاَنتهاه

22. Rushing down towards it to engulf it,
Until when it drew near towering over it,

٢٢. ما غاله يوماً ولا أعياه
ما رَمَقتْ في الجوّ مُقْلتَاه

23. With a swoop demonstrating its strength,
Spraying it with what it had gathered of dust,

٢٣. بيناهُ يبغي جائعاً قِرَاه
إذ وقع الحُبْرُج في رُؤْياه

24. Then it appeared standing over its prey,
And terror poured from its heart,

٢٤. وحلّه القانصُ من يُسْراه
وطار يَهْوِي نَحْوَه يَغْشَاه

25. Covered in its blood dripping,
Oh what an ill-fated partridge it was!

٢٥. حتَّى إذا قارَبه عَلاَه
بَوَقْعةٍ بَزّ بها قُوَاه

26. The hawk did no wrong in what it attained,
When the partridge returned to what it faced,

٢٦. كما وَهي من شَطَنٍ رِشَاهُ
ثم بَدَا وهْو على قَفَاه

27. Then it saw behind it another of its brothers,
And a doe following with its female,

٢٧. وسلَّ من فؤاده حشاه
مُخَضَّباً من دمه ثَراه

28. And a ram stubborn in its zeal,
And every hawk with its companion,

٢٨. يا شِقْوَة الحُبْرُج ما دَهاه
لم يَسُؤ البازِيَ ما جناه

29. Until the leader made them its spoils,
And the four were left by its killing,

٢٩. إذ رَجَع الحبرجُ ما لاَقاه
ثم رأى من بعده أخاه

30. So our hearty feast was from its catch,
And every good thing we grant it,

٣٠. وبركةً تَتْبَعُه أُنْثاه
وكرّ لا يجبُن عن هَيْجاه

31. So some of what it brought back in its endeavor,
It gave to the hawks what God granted in its meaning,

٣١. وكلُّ بازٍ معه فتاه
حتى سَقَاها المُرَّ من جَناه

32. What no falcon attained or saw before,
The day of the hawks was altogether joyous,

٣٢. فأَضحتِ الأَرْبَعُ من قَتْلاَه
فَلَحْمُنا الغَريضُ من صَرْعاه

33. I am the son of him who honor adorned,
And the son of him whose renown filled the world,

٣٣. وكلُّ خيرٍ عندنا نؤتاه
فبَعْضُ ما عاد به مَسْعاه

34. And established the kingdom it encompassed,
And was protector from every harm,

٣٤. أعطى البُزاةَ اللهُ من معناه
ما لم يَحُزْ صَقْرٍ ولا رآه

35. That magnificent, glorious supporter,
Whom ambition never motivated,

٣٥. يومُ البُزاة كلّه أُسَاه
أنا ابن مَنْ زينتْ به عُلاَه

36. Nor did sin obscure his piety,
Nor did the world change his faith,

٣٦. وابنُ الذي عتم الورى نَدَاه
وشيّد المُلْكَ الذي حواه

37. May God bless and choose him,

٣٧. وكان من كلّ أذىً حِمَاه
ذاك المُعِزُّ الماجد الأَوّاه

٣٨. مَنْ لم يكَدّر مَنُّهُ جَدْوَاه
ولم يُمَحِّص إثْمُه تَقْواه

٣٩. ولم تغير دينَه دنياه
صلى عليه الله واصطفاه