
Leader of guidance, Saad is blessed and auspicious,

إمام الهدى سعد وفأل مبارك

1. Leader of guidance, Saad is blessed and auspicious,
And good fortune of honor has no partner,

١. إمامَ الهدى سعدٌ وفأل مباركُ
وإقبالُ عِزّ ليس فيه مشاركُ

2. And streaming for the water of generosity among people is streaming,
And innocence for you the enemies in it you abandon,

٢. وفَصْدٌ لماءِ الجود في الناس فاصدٌ
وبُرْءٌ لك الأعداءُ فيه تُتاركُ

3. It gushed from your right hand with good fortune for the high,
Blood for the blood of enemies, as long as you live pouring,

٣. تَفَجَّرَ من يُمْناك باليُمْن للعُلا
دَمٌ لدمِ الأَعداءِ ما عِشْتَ سافكُ

4. Blood that was followed by health and safety,
And the angels before the people surrounded it,

٤. دم أَعْقَبَتْهُ صحَّةٌ وسلامةٌ
وحفَّتْ به قبل الأنامِ الملائِكُ

5. For the soul of a physician who examined your honor his question,
For he examined what your ideals do not end,

٥. لِنَفْسِ طبيبٍ جَسَّ عِرْفَكَ سُؤْلُها
فقد جَسّ ما لا يَنْتَهِيه مُماسِك

6. The hand of a king that has not stopped since there was in them
For giving gifts and deaths paths,

٦. يَدا مَلِكٍ ما زال مُذْ كان فيهما
لبَذْلِ العطايا والمنَايا مَسالِكُ

7. So the face of guidance is fresh and white radiant,
As with you the face of polytheism is black gloomy,

٧. فَوَجْهُ الهدَى رَيَّانُ أَبْيَضُ ناصِعٌ
كما بِكَ وَجْهُ الشِّرْكِ أَسْودُ حالكُ

8. I was sent with my praise before any gift,
Because without the gift I own it,

٨. بعثت ُ بمدحي قبلَ كلّ هدِيّةٍ
لأَني له دونَ الهديَّةِ مالكُ

9. And nothing but praise remains because it
Is lasting new and gifts transient,

٩. ولا شيءَ غيرَ المدحِ يَبْقَى لأنه
مقيمٌ جديدٌ والهدايا هوالكُ

10. And if I contained what is on earth all of it
I would send it out of kindness and I do not refrain,

١٠. ولو كنتُ أَحْوِي ما على الأرضَ كُلَّه
بعثتُ به لطْفاً وما أنا آفكُ

11. And were it not for misfortunes, my money ran out,
His gifts from me and it from you would not cease,

١١. ولولا خطوبٌ عُفْنَ مالِيَ لم تَرُحْ
هداياه منّي وهْيَ عنك مَواسِكُ

12. But because the money is gone and depleted,
I sent with love which without you I abandon,

١٢. ولكنّه لِما مَضَى المالُ وانْقَضَى
بعثتُ بودٍّ ماله عنك فارِكُ

13. And praise when praise becomes similar
It becomes in the morning beautiful to the high and your temple,

١٣. ومدحٍ إذا أضحى المديح مشبه
غدا وهو حسن للعلا وبواتكُ

14. Creating faces if without you unique,
And if you incline to your family they are laughs,

١٤. قواف بواكٍ إن عداك بديعها
وإن يممت علياك فهي ضواحكُ