
O beloved, by God who

يأيها المعشوق بالله من

1. O beloved, by God who
Has yellowed your narcissus with separation

١. يأيها المعشوقُ بالله مَن
صَفَّر بالهجران نَيْلَوْفَرَكْ

2. So he said and regained in his words
Love has changed me as it changed you

٢. فقال واسترجع في قوله
غَيّرني الحبُّ كما غَيَّركْ

3. The love of the morning sun left me
No color, had I left it, it would not have left

٣. لم يَتَّرِكْ لي عشقُ شمسِ الضّحى
لَوْناً لو تَارَكْتُه ما تَرَكْ

4. The essence of my face is the interpreter of love
In me and my growth in my blessed answer

٤. صُفوةُ وجهي ترجمانُ الهوى
فِيَّ ونَبْتِي في جَوابي البِرك