
O Lord, if You take him to task for his intense longing

يا رب إن واخذته بتلهفي

1. O Lord, if You take him to task for his intense longing
And lead the ardent lover into temptation,

١. يا رَبّ إن واخذته بتَلهُّفي
وأَدَلْتَ مِنه للمشوقِ المُدْنَفِ

2. The soul that severed its breaths for him
Will soften for his plight though he showed no mercy,

٢. رَقَّتْ له النفسُ التي قَطَع الأسى
أنفاسَها فِيه ولم يَتَعطّفِ

3. O Lord, deliver him and bless his return,
Forgive the consequences of his solemn pledge.

٣. يا ربّ سلِّمه ومُنَّ بِرَدِّه
واغْفِرْ له عقْبَى يمينِ المُصْحَف

4. Though he left me no patience, I'll excuse him,
And treat him justly, even if he was unjust.

٤. إني لأعذِره وإِن لم يُبْقِ لي
صَبْراً وأُنْصِفُه وإنْ لَمْ يُنْصِفِ