1. O most generous of all people in character
And best of all creation, Arab or non-Arab
١. يا أكرمَ الناسِ كلِّ الناس في الشِّيَم
وأفضلَ الخَلق من عُرْب ومن عَجَمِ
2. Rather, I do not compare you to this world and its inhabitants
And how can the dawn's radiance be compared to darkness?
٢. بل لا أَقيسُك بالدنيا وساكنها
وهل يُقاس ضياءُ الصبح بالظُّلَمِ
3. How good is time when you are its master
I ransom you from a righteous, wise king
٣. ما أحسن الدهرَ إذا أصبحتَ مالكَهُ
أفديك من ملِكٍ بَرٍّ ومِن حَكَم
4. You had begun, my master, originally
My ambition with generosity, reaching the extent of nobility
٤. قد كنتَ أسَّسْتَ يا مولاي مبتدِئاً
مَرَمّتي بالغاً فيها مَدَى الكَرَمِ
5. And it was not completed, so complete it, for the best that is
In glory is the completion of what you initiate of blessings
٥. ولَم تَتِمَّ فتمِّمْها فأحسَنُ ما
في المجد تتميمُ ما تُسدي من النعم
6. And command it to be hastened so that I may live having
Delighted my eye, and you have enabled me my aspirations
٦. وأمرُ بتعجيلها حتّى أعيشَ وقد
أقْرَرْتَ عيني وقد بَلَّغْتَني هِمَمي