
Good tidings of conquest and triumph,

بشارة بالفتوح والظفر

1. Good tidings of conquest and triumph,
Your vision, so rejoice for it among people.

١. بِشارةٌ بالفتوح والظَفر
رؤياك فاسعَدْ بها على البَشَرِ

2. God has told you in your sleep of what
Your eyelids see during wakefulness.

٢. أنبأك الله في المنام بما
تبصره مقلتاك في السهر

3. You saw your forefathers, the kings, and in
Their hands every sharp sword,

٣. رأيت آباءك الملوك وفي
أيديهم كلُّ صارمٍ ذَكَرِ

4. Striking the heads of the transgressors as
They strike them in spirits and vigilance.

٤. فضاربوا أرؤس العُدَاة كما
تضِربها في الرواح والبُكَر

5. And if disease inclines toward you, gone is
The irritation of the eyelids and sight.

٥. وإن رنا نحوك السَقامُ فقد
عاد غضيضَ الجفونِ والنظر

6. God has sufficed you from what we fear
For you, even if you are not cautious.

٦. وقد كفى الله ما نحاذِره
فيك وإن كنت غير ذي حَذَر

7. O God's elite among His creation
And His secret in the Book and chapters.

٧. يا صفوة الله في بريَّته
وسرّه في الكتاب والسُوَر