
The lute complained to the strings with yearning, so they were enraptured,

شكا العود بالأوتار شجوا فأطربا

1. The lute complained to the strings with yearning, so they were enraptured,
And translated the meaning of the conscience, so they were eloquent.

١. شكا العُودُ بالأوتار شجوا فأطربا
وتَرْجَمَ عن معنى الضمير فأَعْرَبا

2. My mouth has not seen one who complains like it, spreading its lament,
To gladden the sorrowful and release the tortured.

٢. فم أَرَ شَاكٍ مثلَه بثَّ شجوَه
فأفرحَ محزوناً وفكّ مُعَذَّبا

3. Take the cup, O downtrodden of cheek, drawing sustenance,
And bring it to me, your structure bloodied.

٣. خُذي الكَأسَ يا مظلومة الخَدِّ مُتْرعاً
ومُدي به نحوي بَنَاناً مُخْضَّبا

4. For I have outstripped Time in glory and supremacy,
And surpassed all people, East and West.

٤. فإنّي سبقتُ الدهر للمَجد والعُلا
وسُدْتُ جميعَ الناس شَرْقا ومَغْربا

5. That is only because, with my happiness,
I have become close to the All-Merciful, brought near.

٥. وما ذاك إلاّ أنّني بسعادتي
غدوتُ قريباً من مَعَدٍّ مُقَرَّبا

6. Torture is the water of rain in taste, sweetness its savor,
Leaving what it touches irrigated, greened.

٦. عِذابٌ كماء الغَيْثِ عذْبٌ مَذَاقُه
وتارك ما لاقاه ريَّانَ مُعْشبا