1. The nights of time have not demanded from us
What Shawwal demanded from Ramadan
١. ما تقاضت منَّا ليالي الزَّمان
ما تقاضَى شوَّالُ مِن رَمَضانِ
2. You do not see its full moon, disease has overcome it
Like the sickness of a lover in estrangement
٢. ما ترى بدرَه عَلاه سَقامٌ
كسَقام المحِبِّ في الهِجران
3. Its light has been veiled in fear of crescent
Like the fasting's veil from colors
٣. كَسفَتْ نورَه مخافةُ شوَّا
لٍ كُسوفَ الصِّيامِ لِلأَلوان
4. It has done in its reverence and modesty
What it has done in souls and bodies
٤. فَعَلتْ في اخترامِه وضَناه
فِعلَه في النُّفوسِ والأَبدانِ
5. So it appeared in it humiliation when
Twenty full moons and eight turned away from it
٥. فبدت فيه ذِلّةٌ حين وَلّت
منه عشرون كُمَّلٌ وثماني
6. Oh Shawwal, what a helper for pleasure and picnic
Under the best of times
٦. يا لشَواَّلَ مِن مُعِينٍ على اللّذْ
ذَةِ والقَصْف تحت خيرِ أَوانِ
7. When the breeze was good and the heat receded
And the flowers of colors lengthened
٧. حين طاب النسيمُ وانصَرَم القَيْ
ظُ وطَلَّتْ أزاهر الألوانِ
8. And the foreign birds sang in the branches
Happy with every expression
٨. وتغنّت أعاجمُ الطَّيْر في الأغ
صانِ مسرورةً بكلّ بَيانِ
9. You do not see Eid, how it came exalted
Apparent beauty, towering sultan
٩. ما تَرَى الفِطر كيف أَقبل يسمو
ظاهرَ الحُسْنِ شامخَ السلطانِ
10. Receiving the dear with happiness and welcome
And opening and elevation and safety
١٠. يتَلقّى العزيزَ بالسَّعد والإق
بالِ والْفَتْحِ والعُلا والأَمانِ
11. The birds and trees and pebbles of granite and eloquence of the tongue gave us good tidings of that
Oh Imam of guidance whom loving is a duty upon us like the duty of faith
١١. بشَّرَتْنَا بذلِك الطيرُ والزَّجْ
رُ وطَرْقُ الحصا وفأْلُ اللِّسانِ
12. May God increase you in vastness and elevation
And power over the people of disobedience
١٢. يا إمامَ الهدى الّذي حُبُّه فَرْ
ضٌ علينا كواجِب الإيمانِ
13. You are the light of people in justice and virtue
And the right hand of guidance and the eye of time
١٣. زادك الله بَسْطةً وعُلوّاً
واقتِداراً على ذَوي العِصيانِ
14. And the brother of elevation which God gave good tidings of
In the recitation of the Quran
١٤. أنت نورُ الأنام عَدْلاً وفَضْلاً
ويمينُ الهدى وعَيْنُ الزمانِ
15. You have a palm that competes with rain in generosity
And a forehead that is like the two moons
١٥. وشقِيقُ العُلا الَّذي بَشَّر اللّ
هُ بِه في تِلاوةِ القرآنِ
16. And features sweet in taste and scent
Resembling the concealment of secrets with declaration
١٦. لك كفٌّ تُجاوِدُ الغَيْثَ بَذلاً
وجَبِينٌ كأَنَّه القَمَرانِ
17. I am from some of the beauty you were adorned with
With kinds of beauty and beneficence
١٧. وسَجايَا كالشَّهْد طَعْماً وخُبراً
مُشْبهات الإسرارِ بالإعلان
18. I have not ceased to be with you between righteousness and nearness
Hands that are seen without ingratitude
١٨. أَنا مِن بعضِ ما تأَنقْتَ فِيه
بضُروبِ الجميلِ والإحسانِ
19. So if I try to repay you with praise
And with gratitude every tongue of mine falls short
١٩. لم أَزل منكَ بين بِرٍّ وقُرْبٍ
أَيادٍ تَتْرَى بِغَيرِ امتِنانِ
٢٠. فإذا رمتُ أَن أَكافِيكَ بالمَدْ
حِ وبالشّكر كلَّ عنكَ لِساني