
Hurry, for youth is an orchard

بادر فإن الصبا جنان

1. Hurry, for youth is an orchard
Of beautiful, blossoming trees,

١. بادِرْ فإنّ الصِّبا جِنَانُ
وللصِّبا أوجُهٌ حِسانُ

2. And youth has a gentle breeze
Sweet as ambergris.

٢. وللصَّبا في الرُّبا نِسيمٌ
كأنّه عنبرٌ وبانُ

3. Between us flows a slender stream
Whose little waves seem pearls.

٣. وبيننا جدوَلٌ لِطيفٌ
كأنّ أمواجَه جُمان

4. What servant of God has said
More truth than words can tell?

٤. ما قال عبدُ الإله حَقّاً
إلاّ مَقالاً هو البَيانُ

5. Hurry, for time is a haughty king
Who will not wait for the wise to heed him.

٥. بادِرْ فإنّ الزمان غِرٌّ
من قِبِل أنْ يَفْطِن الزّمان