1. Others aimed the glances of languid eyes,
When they shot the arrows of listless looks with kohl.
١. غَيْري رَمَيْنَ ذواتُ الأَعْين النُّجُل
إِذْ رِشْنَ نَبلَ فُتورِ اللّحظ بالْكَحَلِ
2. Whoever wasted his youth infatuated with singing girls,
My heart was busy with love of noble ideals.
٢. مَن راحَ صَبّاً بحبّ الغانياتِ فلي
قَلْبٌ بحبِّ المعالِي راحَ في شُغُل
3. How often I yearned for the roses of cheeks, but did not
Pick the fruit that had ripened into neglect.
٣. وكم صبوتُ إلى وَرْدِ الخدود ولم
أَرْضِ العذولَ الذِي قد لجّ في العَذَل
4. No cheek was stung by the bite of its scorpion,
Nor did the arrows of glances turn me from my calm.
٤. لم يَحْم مَنِّيَ خَدّاً لَدْغُ عَقْرَبهِ
ولا ثَنَتْنِي سهامُ اللّحظِ عن مُقِل
5. Nor did the trinkets of singing girls' words
Stop me from sipping the honey in their folds.
٥. ولا نَهْتني حُلَى ألفاظِ غانيةٍ
عن رَشْفِ ما في ثَناياها من العَسَل
6. Nor did I content myself with the false promise of a coquette,
Without embracing, whispering, and kissing.
٦. ولا قَنِعتُ بزور الْوَعْدِ من رَشَإٍ
دون التّعانُقِ والتَّجميش والقُبَلِ
7. I have not ceased to sport in the spring of my youth,
Foolishly pulling the string of flirtation.
٧. ما زلتُ أَخلع في رَبْعِ الصِّبا رَسَنِي
لَهْواً وأسحبُ فيه رَيْطةَ الغَزَلِ
8. But now when my soul has fulfilled its wishes,
And attained the utmost of all hopes,
٨. فالآن لمّا قَضَتْ نَفْسي مآربهَا
ونِلتُ من كلّ شيءٍ غايةَ الأَملِ
9. I refrain, Salma, from what you know, so I no longer
Pine for the pasturelands or weep over ruins.
٩. أَقصرتُ يا سَلْمَ عمّا تَعلمِين فما
أَصْبُو لَربْع ولا أَبْكي على طَلَل
10. When I reached maturity after thirty-five
Of my years had passed, I reconsidered and preferred dignity.
١٠. لمّا بَلغتُ أشُدِّي بعدما انْقَرَضَتْ
بعد الثّلاثين خَمْسٌ مِن زمانِيَ لي
11. Whoever is forbearing is honored, whoever is modest gains respect.
As I obeyed my youth in folly, so now
١١. راجعتُ حِلمي وآثرتُ الوَقَار وَمن
يَحْلُمْ يُوَقَّرْ ومَنْ يَسْتَحْي يُنتضلِ
12. I obey in doing righteous deeds, though grown old.
O sacred month of obligatory fasting, in which
١٢. كما أطعتُ شبابي في الصِّبا فكذا
أُطيع في صالح الأعمال مُكْتَهلي
13. Hearts have been purified by true devotion.
You have, O Ramadan, erased our misdeeds, giving us
١٣. يا شهْرَ مُفْترضِ الصَّوْمِ الذي خَلَصَتْ
فيه الضمائُر بالإخلاصِ في العمل
14. Good news of reverence and exaltedness on the meadows.
Fasting, righteousness and devotion are linked in you
١٤. أَرْمَضْتَ يا رمضانُ السِّيئاتِ لنا
بُشْر بِنا للتُّقَى عَلاَّ على نَهَلِ
15. To goodness, humility and unsevered connection.
Would that your month were a year without ending,
١٥. صَومٌ وبِرٌّ ونُسْكٌ فِيك مُتّصِلٌ
بِصالحٍ وخشوعٍ غيرِ منفصِل
16. And that your shade over us were never shifting.
Among the months that have passed, you are only
١٦. يا ليت شهركَ حَوْلٌ غيرُ مُنْقَطِع
وليت ظِلِّك عنّا غيرُ مُنْتقِل
17. Like al-Nizar among the messenger prophets.
A king who, when asked, enriches the beggars,
١٧. ما أنت في أشهرِ الحَوْلِ الّتِي سَلفتْ
إلاّ كمثِلِ نِزارٍ في بني الرُّسُلِ
18. Though they stay silent he gives without being asked.
In war he is found attacking again and again when
١٨. مَلْكٌ إذا سِيلَ أَغْنَى السائِلين له
وإن هُمُ سكَنوا أعْطَى ولم يُسَل
19. The birds of calamity flock together on the battlefield.
A swordsman whom no mighty tasks can evade
١٩. تَلقاه في الحربِ كَرَّاراً إذا اسْتَعَرتْ
وحامَ طيرُ الرَّدَى بالمعشِر النُّزُلِ
20. Decisively, a reconciler whom none evaded unfinished.
Not by the weak thoughts of the timid from any
٢٠. حَسّام ما مِنْ عِظماتِ الأُمور أَبَيْ
نَ الحَسْمَ وَصَّالُ ما مِنهنّ لم يَصِل
21. Event that ruins people, nor by cowardly withdrawal.
With his sword he attains what swords fail to reach,
٢١. لا بالضعيف قُوَي الآراءِ عن حَدَثٍ
يُرْدِي الأنامَ ولا الهِّيابةِ الوْكَلِ
22. And by his vigilance what schemers cannot attain.
Wakeful when prudence sleeps, on guard,
٢٢. يَنال بالسيف ما تَعْيا السيوفُ به
وبالنَّباهة ما يُعِيي ذوِي الحِيَلِ
23. Luxurious and fierce, hasty and deliberate.
The caliphate was adorned when you were clothed in it,
٢٣. يقظانُ حِين ينامُ الحزمُ مُحْتَرِسٌ
مُتَرَّفٌ شَرِسٌ عَجْلانُ ذُو مَهَلِ
24. And through you its domain gained glory over realms.
Without you it would be without splendor or glory,
٢٤. زِنْت الخلافةَ مذ أُلْبِسْتَ خِلْعَتَها
وزدْت دَوْلَتَها عِزّاً على الدُّوَل
25. Without eyelids, kohl, or collyrium.
You have composed its crown of justice, and with
٢٥. لولاكَ كانتْ بِلا جِيد ولا جَيَد
ولا جفونٍ ولا كُحْلٍ ولا كَحَلِ
26. Clemency dressed it in the garment of beauty and finery.
Religion cannot be debased when you promote it,
٢٦. نَظَمتَ بالعدلِ تيجانَ البهاءِ لها
وبالسماحةِ وَشْيَ الْحَلْي والحُلَلِ
27. And the flood of generosity gains victory over meanness.
Unbelief is shattered while faith is honored,
٢٧. فالدِّينُ غيرُ مهِيض إذ نهضتَ به
وَفَيْلَقُ الجودِ منصورٌ على البَخَلِ
28. Extravagance is allowed and people suffer need.
So enjoy the distant time in which you left the Muslims
٢٨. والكفرُ في شَظَفٍ والدينُ في شَرَف
والجودُ في سَرَفٍ والناس في جَذَلِ
29. In peace and abandoned the unbelievers to wrangling.
You have supported the religion of your two forefathers
٢٩. فانْعَمْ بعيدٍ تركتَ المسلِمينَ به
سِلْماً وغادرتَ أَهل الكفِر في جَدَلِ
30. Until through you it rises above other faiths.
If the Feast comes to us happily through seeing you,
٣٠. نصرتَ مِلّةَ جَدَّيك الَّلذَيْ سلَفا
حتى غدتْ بك تَسْتَعلي على المِلل
31. Fasting has indeed departed from us in sorrow.
You appeared like the rising sun,
٣١. لئن أتى العِيد مِن لُقياكَ في فَرحٍ
لقد مَضَى الصومُ مِن منآك في ثَكل
32. When the plain was again clothed in white, like a child.
The full moons blossom and the banners flutter,
٣٢. برزتَ فيه بروزَ الشمسِ طالعةً
وقد أَعاد الضُّحاءَ النَّقْعُ كالطَّفَل
33. While the earth glitters and the atmosphere drones.
None who glance can prevent their eyes
٣٣. والبيضُ تَزْهَرُ والأَعلامُ خافقةٌ
والأرضُ في رَهَج والجوُّ في زَجَلِ
34. From gazing on one who swims on land or is a hero.
The sun in the orbit of the army was obscured
٣٤. فليس يَصْرِف لحظَ العين مُرْسِلُه
إِلاّ إلى سابحٍ في الأرِض أو بطلِ
35. By the hilts of the white swords and spears.
Until you reached the mosque, humble in devotion,
٣٥. والشمسُ فوقَ مَدارِ الجِيشِ قد حُجِبتْ
في جَوِّها بمُتون البِيضِ والأَسَلِ
36. In the humble devotion of your ancestor in early times.
You stood before them as preacher, eloquent of tongue,
٣٦. حتى بلغتَ المُصَلّى خاشعاً نَسِكاً
خشوعَ جَدِّك في أَزمانِه الأُولِ
37. Joining each phrase smoothly and distinctly.
What stony heart was not softened by them?
٣٧. فقمتَ فيهم خطيباً مِصْقعاً لَسِناً
بكلّ مُنْفَصِلٍ نَثْراً ومُتَّصِل
38. What effective sermon did not melt?
An eloquence whose prose is composed masterfully,
٣٨. فَأيُّ قلبٍ جلِيدٍ لَم يرِقَّ لهمْ
وأيُّ موعِظَةٍ غَرَّاءَ لَم تُقَلِ
39. A speech no negligent orator ever attained.
You have explained the truth plainly, so that
٣٩. بلاغَةٌ نبوِيٌ النَّظمِ مُحْكَمُها
وخُطْبَةٌ لم يَنْلها مُهْمَلُ الخَطَلِ
40. What was ambiguous of guidance appeared clear.
A proof of sincerity by which you have solaced the saints,
٤٠. أَبنْتَ بالحقِّ ما قد كان مُشْتَبِهاً
من الهُدَى فَتَجَلَّى كُلُّ مُشْتَكِل
41. While I watered it evenly between haste and delay.
They gained by what they heard the honor of nearness,
٤١. برهانُ صِدْقٍ شَفَيتَ الأَولياءَ بِه
وسُقْتُه بين رَيْثِ القَول والعَجَلِ
42. And did not leave until satisfied by the Merciful.
They prayed behind you while the angels were behind them,
٤٢. نالوا بما سمِعوا الزُّلفَى فما افْترقُوا
إلاّ وهُمْ من رِضا الرّحمانِ في جُمَلِ
43. Conveying to the Highest their hopes and aspirations.
And God purged what wrongs they had committed,
٤٣. صلَّوا وراءَك والأَملاكُ خلفَهُمُ
مُبَلَّغين لأَعَلى السُّؤْلِ والأَملِ
44. Until they were cleansed of sins and error.
I have not lagged behind in the asceticism by which
٤٤. ومَحَّصَ الله ما كانوا قد اقْترفوا
حتى تَبَّروا من الآثام والزَللِ
45. I would lose my reward, or avoided seeing you from boredom.
Who would sell a radiant day for gloom?
٤٥. وما تَأخرّتُ من زهد خسرتُ به
أجري ولا غبت عن رؤياك من مَلَلِ
46. Who would swap the dawn for a child's comfort?
But I stayed behind because of illness and pain,
٤٦. ومَن يبيعُ نهاراً مُشْرِقاً بدُجىً
ومن يَخُوصُ ضُحَى الإِصباح للطَّفَل
47. While they came and went like one crazed and confused.
A malady that deprived my eyes of sleep,
٤٧. لكن تخلّفتُ من سُقْمٍ ومِن أَلمٍ
طِفقْتُ بينهما كالهائِم الخَبِل
48. And an affliction that increased past afflictions.
But if my legs failed me when I was sick
٤٨. داءٌ يذودُ عن العينين نومَهُما
وعِلَّةٌ بِيَ قد زادَتْ على العِلل
49. From coming to you, my affection and deeds are sincere.
Neither my faithful counsel nor my obedience
٤٩. فإن تكن قَصَّرتْ بِي عنك إذ سَقِمَتْ
رِجلِي فإنّي صحيحُ الودّ والعملِ
50. Have ever swerved from what you ordained, nor has my heart.
I am imbued with love of you as the water-carriers mixed
٥٠. لا وجُه نُصْحي وطاعاتي بمُنْصَرِفٍ
عَمّا عهِدتَ ولا قلبي بمُنْتَقِل
51. Their water with honey from the running brooks.
May the blessings of Him who endowed you with victory
٥١. إنِّي بحبّك ممزوجٌ كما مَزَجَتْ
أيِدي السُّقاة مِزاجَ الماء بالعَسلِ
52. And delayed your term pray over you and grant you happiness.
٥٢. صلّى عليك وأعطاك السعادةَ مَنْ
حَباك بالنّصرِ والتأخيرِ في الأَجل