
Now my heart is torn in two,

الآن قد الفؤاد نصفين

1. Now my heart is torn in two,
In it flow two kinds of tears.

١. الآن قَدَّ الفؤاد نصفَينِ
فيه وأَجَرى الدموعَ نوعَين

2. When the nun of his cheek bent, it shot
From its bow and aimed with two eyes.

٢. لما انحنتْ نونُ صُدْغِهِ فرمى
عن قوسِها واتَّقَى بعَيْنين

3. Half the sad of his mouth stood erect
And two lam's were traced from his eyebrows.

٣. وانتصَبتْ نِصفُ صادِ شاربه
وخطّ مِن عارِضَيهِ لامَيْن

4. His cheeks extended in their whiteness
Two soft dawns over two days.

٤. ومَدَّ صُدْغيهِ في بياضِهما
ليلَينِ صُبَّا على نهارين

5. He turned the head of coyness askew
From the sting of two Babylonian eyelids.

٥. وردّ رأسَ العِذار منحرِفاً
عن لدغ جفنين بابليَّين

6. He stained his cheeks, then stripped off
The cover of the wink of his two swords.

٦. ضرّجَ خدّيه ثم جَرّد عن
غنْجِ ضنَى مقلتيهِ سيفينِ

7. Oh, for the tortured, broken-hearted one
From these two beautiful ones, oh from those two!

٧. فآهِ للمدنَف المعذَّبِ مِن
هذين حسناً وآهِ مِن ذينِ

8. He carries two date palm fronds on his shoulders
His figure stooped at the waist.

٨. يَحمل دِعْصَين من روادِفِه
قوامُه في ذُبُولِ خَصْرين

9. The glances of coyness - so I fear for my eyes because of them
O you who torment me with your gaze, I ransom you both

٩. لام عِذارٍ فما أُمَيْلِحَه
أخاف عيني عليه مِن عيني

10. Do not deliver me to the coquettish ones.
And O you two coquettish ones, how sweetly you have emerged

١٠. يا صارِمَي لحظهِ فديتكما
لا تُسلماني إلى العِذاريِن

11. To accuse me with two excuses.
As if his cheeks amidst your blackness

١١. ويا عذارَيه ما أُحَيْسِنَ ما
برزتما فيه لي بعُذْرَين

12. Are two dawns embroidered with two nights.
By it the sun of day became two suns

١٢. كأنّ خدّيه في سوادكما
صُبْحان قد طُرِّزا بليلين

13. And the moon of darkness became two moons.
My skin is softer when it contemplates

١٣. أعاد شمسَ النهار شمسين
به وبدرَ الظلامِ بدرين

14. Complaints appearing between two pouring tears.
It suffices you an eye whose tormenter you are habitually

١٤. أرقّ جلداً إذا تأمّل مِن
شكوَى بدت بين سَفْك دَمْعَين

15. And a heart that yearns at times.
And love is sweet - when it is little it calls

١٥. حسبُك عينٌ يَلَذّ مؤلِمهُا
دأباً وقلبٌ يَحِنّ للحَيْن

16. For more misery and ill fate.
Indeed the glorious Imam is more generous than

١٦. والحبّ عذبٌ ما قلّ منه فإن
زاد دعا للشَّقاءِ والشَّين

17. One who pours dew once or twice.
The shelter of his protection, when

١٧. إن الإمام العزيزَ أكرمُ من
بَثّ الندى مرّة وثنْتَين

18. He is munificent with two abundant rains
To them belongs the glory of Egypt and what it has gathered

١٨. المخجلُ الغيثَ راحتاه إذا
جاد بِغيثين مِرزميَّيْنِ

19. Of noble deeds and adornment.
The dew of the sea of his generosity overflowed

١٩. لِيهن مِصَر العُلا وما جَمَعتْ
بِه من المكُرماتِ والزَّينِ

20. And its sea comes between two seas.
If its land stretched to touch the stars

٢٠. فاض ندَى بَحر جُودِ راحتِهِ
وبحرُها فهيَ بين بحرين

21. It would rise over Al Nesr and Semakeyn.
O son of the Prophet of guidance and best

٢١. لو طاولت أرضها النجوم علت
به على النَّسْرِ والسِماكينِ

22. Of those exalted with two noble Hashemite ancestors.
Who is like your victorious one, al-Mansour

٢٢. يا بن نبيِّ الهدى وأفضلَ من
يسمو بجدَّين هاشِمِيَّين

23. Or like your strengthener of these two, al-Muizz.
Or who rivals you in fatherhood

٢٣. من ذا كمنصورِك المبارك أم
مُعِزِّك الرافِعَينِ هذينِ

24. Among the prominent Fatimids?
Whoever does not draw near his Lord through obeying you

٢٤. أم من يدانيك في أبوّتِهِ
مِن عَلَوِيّينِ فاطِمِيّينِ

25. Is like a wrong-doer professing two religions.
Indeed I do not refrain from you grudgingly

٢٥. من لم يَدنْ رَبَّه بطاعتِكْم
كان كغاوٍ يدين بِاثنينِ

26. Nor set out against you with two intentions,
I find you open to all, not constricted,

٢٦. إِنِّيَ لم أغد مِنك منقبِضاً
ولم أَرُحْ فِيك ذا مُرادَين

27. I petition like one demanding two rights.
It is not because I am the son of a father and brother

٢٧. ألقاك دون الجميع منبسِطاً
أُدِلّ كالمقتضي لحقَّين

28. Our relationship combining two branches,
But it is due to my love and obedience to you, when

٢٨. ليس لأنَّي ابنُ والدٍ وأخٌ
يَجمع مِنّا النِّصابُ غُصْنَينِ

29. You found me the most loyal advisor.
I count your stature above my kinsmen

٢٩. لكن لِوُدّي وطاعتي لك إذ
وجدْتني أنصحَ الولِيَّينِ

30. And my flesh - the greatest of two enemies.
When did we wear loyalty to you and I did not

٣٠. أَعدُّ شانيك مِن ذوي رَحمي
ولُحمْتي أكبَر العَدُوَّين

31. Wake up with abundant fortune?
May God expand for me the horizon of my life

٣١. متى لبِسْنا لك الوفاءَ فلم
أُصبِحْ ولي وافرُ النّصيبين

32. And let me gloat over the envious ones.
If I do not desire your survival for myself

٣٢. لا فسَحَ اللهُ لي مدى عُمُري
وأشَمت الله بي الحسودينِ

33. Sincerely - not falsely or hypocritically -
And I rejoice in your supremacy out of my solicitude

٣٣. إن كنت لا أشتهي بقاءكَ لي
بالصِدقِ لا بِالرِّياء والمَيْنِ

34. With two eyes keeping watch and two ears,
And I give advice unsuspected

٣٤. وأغتدي في عُلاك مِن شَفَقي
عَيْنين أرعى العِدا وأُذْنينِ

35. Unlike the two advisors and loving ones,
And I am not like the pretenders, out of caution

٣٥. وأبذلُ النُّصحَ غيرَ متَّهَمٍ
دون النَّصوحَيْن والمحِبَّين

36. They love falsely and perceive hypocrisy.
They show acceptance though they harbor

٣٦. ولستُ كالمُظهِرينِ مِن حَذَرٍ
وُدَّيْن واستشعَرَا نِفاقَين

37. Rancor and hatred like two misers.
Their eyes inform us about them

٣٧. ويُبدِيان الرضا وقد طَوَيَا
على القِلىَ والشِقاقِ كَشْحينِ

38. That they harbor two hatreds.
There, one strives to uncover your secret to the visitors

٣٨. تخبِرُنا عنهما عيونهمُا
أنّهما يَحملان حِقديَن

39. While the other shows you two faces.
How greatly they disbelieved in God when they prevented

٣٩. ها ذاك يسعَى يكشف سِرك لل
زّاري وهذا يرِيك وجهينِ

40. Your kingdom like two seeking a debt.
How much they maligned me with ugliness and how much

٤٠. كم كَفَرا بالإِلهِ إذ منعَا
مُلكَك كالطالِبَيْه دَيْنين

41. They sharpened two noble swords
In order to provoke you or to sever what is between you

٤١. كم شَنَّعا عنَّي القبِيحَ وكم
سَلاَّ حُسامينِ مَشْرَفيَّيْنِ

42. And I of kinship and what is between us.
Or to make my position equal to yours with you, but can

٤٢. كي يستفِزّاك أو لِتقطَع ما
بينك من لحُمةٍ وما بيني

43. One catching up reach one with two wings?
You do not make an equal in your sweetness and your bitterness

٤٣. أو يَلحَقا رُتبتي لديك وهل
يَلحَق حافٍ بِذي جَناحين

44. Like the two misguided ones.
They bit their palms and your shoulders in anguish

٤٤. وأنتَ لا تجعلُ المشارِكَ في
حُلْوِك والمُرِّ كالغَويَّيْن

45. Maliciously and dying like two with chronic diseases.
Indeed the glorious Imam, it became clear to him

٤٥. عَضَّا على الكفِّ واهلكَا أَسَفاً
بَغْياً ومُوتاً كذا بِدَاءَيْنِ

46. And what was beneath every sense became clear.
The curse of God does not depart

٤٦. إنّ الإمامَ العزيزَ بانَ لَه
وبانَ ما تحت كلِّ حِسَّين

47. Flowing on the most treacherous of the two parties.
And am I not a comfort that emerged

٤٧. فلعنةُ اللهِ غيرُ مقلِعةٍ
تَتْرى على أَغْدَرِ الفرِيقين

48. From you and your hands suffice the two arms?
And we have not seen, even if a bias became inflamed,

٤٨. وهل أنا غيرُ راحةٍ برزتْ
منكَ وكفّاك للذراعينِ

49. Affection more lasting than that of two brothers.
Your holidays that we were congratulated with through you

٤٩. وما رأينا وإن وَشَت عُصَبٌ
أبقَى على الوِدّ من شقِيقين

50. Congratulations, O unique one of the two eras!
We are congratulated for the holiday when

٥٠. هَنَّتك أعيادُك الّتي بك قد
هُنِّئن يا أوحدَ الزمانين

51. You are safe for us, and from you in two congratulations.
You emerged like the sun on its happiest day

٥١. نحن مِن العيدِ إذ سلمِتَ لنا
ومنك في تهنئاتِ عِيدينِ

52. But you increased in light over the two luminaries.
As if among the pleiades there stood erect from you

٥٢. برزتَ كالشمس يومَ أسعدها
بل زدت نوراً على المنيرَين

53. A moon of the sky and two cubs of a lion.
In a regiment dragging behind its horsemen

٥٣. كأنّ في السَّرْج منك منتِصباً
بدرَ سماءٍ وليثَ شِبْلين

54. Troops that fill the two horizons.
So who is the advisor by whose comfort you were diverted

٥٤. في جَحْفل جَرَّ مِن فوارِسه
كَتائباً تملأ الفضَاءَين

55. To you or the onlooker with two glances?
They looked from their Prophet to a nature

٥٥. فمن مشيرٍ براحة صُرفتْ
إليك أو ناظرٍ بلحظين

56. In you and a Muhammadan nature.
Until when you ascended their pulpit

٥٦. تأَمَّلوا مِن نبيهِّم خُلقُاً
فيك وخلَقْاً محمَّديَّين

57. And stood for praise between the two banners,
You frightened them with God then brought

٥٧. حتى إذا ما علوتَ منبرَهم
وقمتَ للحمد في اللِّواءيَن

58. Good tidings, clearing the two paths.
You combined a praise with an advice

٥٨. خوّفتَ بالله ثمّ جئتَ به
مبشِّراً مُسْهَبَ الطّريقَين

59. For them and a promise in addition to two warnings.
You are the clear Imam, your wisdom manifest

٥٩. تَضُمّ تحميدةً إلى عِظةٍ
لهمْ ووعداً إلى وعِيدَين

60. And the unique scholar of the two tongues.
May God bless you from a King

٦٠. أنت الإمام المبينُ حكمتَه
والعالمُ الفردُ ذو الِّلسانين

61. Who counted his favors with two right hands.
And here they are, lasting like the bride

٦١. صلّى عليك الإله من مَلِكٍ
عَدَّ يديه النَّدَى يمينَين

62. Radiant, strutting between two beauties.
More ablaze than the stance of farewell and than

٦٢. وهاكَها كالعروس باقيةً
غرّاء تختال بين حُسْنين

63. A tear summoned by the agony of separation.
It pours torment upon the throats

٦٣. أحرَّ من وَقفْة الودَاع ومِن
دمعٍ تقاضتْه روَعة البَينْ

64. Of two lam's among two coquettish ones.
And it disappears rarely when mentioned

٦٤. تُزري بألفاظها العذابِ على
صَوْلَج لامَيْن في عِذارَيْن

65. Among two golden, jewel-like ones.
That is because the one I have praised with it

٦٥. وتختفي قِلةً إذا ذُكرتْ
في ذَهبيّين جوهريّين

66. Is most deserving of the two praises.
And that the one who crafted those, embedded in them

٦٦. وذاكَ أن الذي مَدحتُ بها
أحق الاثنين بالثَناءَيْن

67. Two lies in a lie and two falsehoods.

٦٧. وأنّ مَن صاغَ تلك ضمَّنها
إفكَينِ في إفكٍ وزُورَين